Versions Compared


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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin


Video of the final implementation:
(Use 1080p)

Design Description:

Logging in

Each music director has their own account so that starting views are pre-populated with the albums that they've recently uploaded or approved. Furthermore, CMJ reporting data can be pre-filtered to the genres which each music director deals with.

My Uploads

In this starting view after logging in, approved and unapproved albums are listed on the left. In the prototyping stage there was contention between efficiency and learnability/safety. In particular, a spread-sheet like design for fast input versus a more visual view (e.g. album covers) with more whitespace. During the paper prototyping testing stage, user preference between the two was inconclusive, and our final design incorporated many elements from both designs.

My Uploads: Dragging Files

A gray lay-over appears when dragging files overtop of the interface. This is used both as visual feedback and to communicate that files can be dropped anywhere on the interface (not just the small box that says "Drag Files Here"). This was chosen over cutting/pasting links or using a button for simplicity.

My Uploads: Dropped Files

A dialog with additional information on how to manipulate the dropped files before uploading (e.g. adding more tracks to a dropped album, removing accidentally dropped albums) along with the affordances for doing so.

My Uploads: Upload Progress

A progress bar shows upload completion of each album. The pause button allows uploads to be temporarily suspended (see caveat below in implementation section). Pausing was a feature decided upon after paper prototyping to give the user more control. Also decided after paper prototyping, was preventing album detail editing during the upload itself. This was decided for simplicity (and safety) since user-entered details may conflict with the details we pull automatically from the music files.

My Uploads: Uploaded

In most cases (like this one) details can be taken directly from the data found inside the music files, such as the album name, artist name, release date, record label and (sometimes, but more rarely) the cover art.

My Uploads: Deleting Album

This was a major change we made after user testing during the prototype stage. Originally, deleting an album required clicking on a trash bin in the upper right corner of the album detail pane, but it was out of the locus of attention of users as they failed to notice it. When they did notice, they tried to drag albums onto the trash bin (instead of clicking directly on the trash bin). We decided instead on two large color coded buttons for approval and deletion at the bottom of each album. Deleting an album requires a dialog confirmation for safety.

My Uploads: Editing Album Details

Hovering over any editable field shows a yellow highlight around that field, for clarity on which fields can be edited. Album details such as album name, artist name and record label pop-up a dialog (with the field name e.g. "Enter Artist Name" for clarity/safety, saving requires enter key-press or clicking on the checkmark icon) while editing tracks allows inline editing (for efficiently editing large numbers of track names, clicking off the field saves the edit). These decisions were made after the user testing during paper prototyping as a compromise between safety (accidental edits) and learnability versus efficiency.

My Uploads: Release Date

Clicking on the release date field opens a date-picker which allows selection of a date. In our heuristic evaluation several points were made about our original datepicker implementation. If a date was previously unset, and a user clicked to open the datepicker then clicked off of it, the date would be . After the heuristic evaluation we improved upon the original implementation based on several points brought up during the evaluation. These included an initial date being set even if a user clicked off the datepicker immediately (set to today's date. This behavior has been modified (the date does not get set in this case)) and other minor functionality.

My Uploads: Adding Genre

Clicking on "Add Genre" (or the plus icon next to it) opens a dropdown which allows for selection between either the most common genres used by music directors at WMBR or adding a custom-genre by typing in the text field at the bottom of the dropdown. These decisions were made after paper prototyping testing as music directors expressed their desire to tag albums with multiple genres, as well as add new genres easily. Later (in our final user testing for this GR) we discovered that they were excited /pleased with about this feature.

Note: Clicking on "Add Genre" before our heuristic evaluation did nothing, but it was noted several times during heuristic evaluations therefore as a result of the evaluation we changed it to have the same functionality as clicking on the plus button.

My Uploads: Editing Track Name

Editing track names allows for inline-editing (as mentioned above). This was decided upon for efficiency's sake (e.g. an album with 15-20 track names we couldn't pull directly off the music files) even though it poses an internal consistency issue when compared to editing album details (e.g. album name). Pressing enter or clicking off the inline field saves any changes made. Note that one can also modify the artist associated with each individual track (for compilation albums where each track can be associated with a different artist), as well as delete individual tracks (the fields in gray to the right of each track name). These features were added after paper prototyping testing based on comments made by users. Each track can also be flagged as FCC dirty (the triangular icon next to the "x" by each track) for marking a track as having swear words (something music directors noted as being useful). Furthermore, previous to the heuristic evaluation, users were able to play multiple tracks at once. This behavior has since been fixedmodified.

My Uploads: Album Approval

Clicking on "Approve Upload" moves the album to the "Approved Uploads" section on the left. If a user tries to click "Approve Upload" on an already approved album, a tooltip informs them that the album has already been approved.

My Uploads: Searching Uploads

Entering text into the search field in the top left automatically filters the uploads on the left. Searched fields include artist name, album name, record label and (as seen in this casescreenshot) genres. The decision and implementation This came after heuristic evaluation where it was noted that many uploads would create difficulties in finding a particular uploadmake it sift through. It was also suggested during heuristic evaluation that we make the approved and unapproved upload lists collapsible, so a minus/plus button appears in the top of the lists allows for collapsing these lists (which changes to a plus icon when collapsed).
of either or both upload lists.

Image Added


Image Removed


Clicking on the "Reporting" tab brings the user to the reporting section of the system. There is a delay when loading different The delay in switching tabs (e.g. going from "My Uploads" to "Reporting") , and a the lack of feedback thereof was noted mentioned in our heuristic evaluation, therefore a . A waiting cursor was implemented to convey now conveys that the system was busy. The reporting view (for CMJ reporting) is currently displaying all data for all albumsis busy while switching tabs. The genre tags (internally consistent with the tagging system in the "My Uploads" pane) allows for filtering the data by genresgenre. After paper prototyping it was noted by users that having users mentioned they wanted more data present visible in the table all at once would be useful (despite the added complexity of additional columns) such as a single table (not just the play count in for the past last week, past but in the last two weeks, past last month and , all time, etc. all in a single table). This is to make the job of reporting play count data to CMJ easyfast and efficient.

Reporting: Filtering

The reporting view in this screenshot has been filtered for the Electronica genre and the table has been sorted by plays in the last month in descending order. This is similar to the process a music director would go through in order to prepare the data for CMJ reporting.

Reporting: Export to Excel

Clicking on "Export This Table to Excel File" downloads a .csv file which can be immediately opened in Excel to show the data, filtered as per above.


With respect to uploads, limitations in HTML5 and HTTP prevented the "pause" button dictated by our earlier feedback from behaving as expected (pausing the upload). At the moment, it is currently a placebo that does not actually effect affect the upload, as the only other alternative is to cancel the upload entirely and restart it when unpaused, which seems equally undesirable. Given the original use-case justifying the need for the "pause" functionality (i.e. pause would be clicked before "Delete Upload" which should cancel the upload in any case, it seems that a placebo effect would not have significant downsides and would nevertheless improve learnability by "having a button in an expected place" with some understandable behavior.)


Finally, space limitations from the standard HTML table layout algorithm resulted in the cramping of the "Play Count" columns, which may impede readability and understanding of the durations over which play counts are aggregated.

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User Population


  • This needs a bug fix that checks for currently playing music when a track or an entire album is deleted. If the track or album playing is deleted, stop the music right away.

"Add Genres" button is not conspicuous, it is easy to miss the fact that an album has not been assigned a genre. (Major)

  • Currently, unlike other album details such as "Album Name" or "Release Date", it is not obvious when an album has not been assigned a genre. It is easy for a music director to approve an album without a genre right now, since the "Add Genres" button is quite small in size.


  1. The "Add Genres" function allows any number of tags to be added to the album, so a single album can be tagged with multiple genres.
  2. The "Add Genres" function allows custom tagging, so music directors can enter their own genre tag (if it does not already appear on the list).
  3. Date picker for "Release Date" field is very useful - user noted "that's so nice!"
  4. Entire interface is very clean and intuitive. No messy cluttering of information, controls, or menu items.

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One thing we realized early on is that exploration contributes to a better final product. When brainstorming for project ideas we pitched more than a dozen in total, pursuing some to the extent of writing up short interviews we had with owners of various stores (bookstores, video game stores, music stores) such as this one which never saw the light of day. All of the brainstorming culminated in a final direction that we were all satisfied with, and later we would see the payoff of exploration again by using multiple paper prototypes instead of a single one.

Overall, we learned Overall, we learned that prototyping early and going through multiple rounds of user testing is very helpful in increasing the learnability of the final prototype. Finding usability problems early in the paper prototyping stage allowed us more flexibility when designing the computer prototype. Due to the fact that we had conducted multiple rounds of user tests (totaling over 7 users) with the paper prototypes, we were quite successful with user testing for the computer prototype - no major implementation changes were required for the computer prototype. Users specifically noted that we had taken their earlier suggestions during computer prototype user testing.

In addition, having multiple paper prototypes enabled us to request feedback on each one, combine the benefits of each, and form an ultimately more user-friendly application interface. Some users noticed that we combined the best of all paper prototypes in designing the computer interface. On the other hand, paper prototypes failed to indicate the complexities of implementation issues - many features we drew up quickly during the paper prototyping stage in fact takes much longer to implement during the computer prototyping stage. For instance, the overlay feature of "Drag and Drop" was easily prototyped using transparencies and highlighters, but required major time commitment to code up in Javavscript/CSSprototyped using transparencies and highlighters, but required major time commitment to code in Javascript/CSS. On the other hand, this fact also was informative in so far as it reminded us that a good design is not simply a matter of putting together existing UI components. Thought and care must be taken during the design process to allot time to develop complex, but ultimately easier to use interfaces.

If we were to do this project again, we would like to conduct earlier computer prototype user testing, especially with the uploading interface. During GR6 user testing we discovered that there are were minor deficiencies in the current interface that only music directors could spot. Our This is partly because fellow classmates were are not well acquainted familiar with the WMBR workflow, and failed to identify some areas of improvement (such as the FCC obscene word marking featureneeds of WMBR music directors (such as marking tracks as containing obscene words with the FCC flag). Furthermore, we should could have , as a team, prioritized our tasks better and made more conscious decisions regarding the design. This would have allowed us to address the most important issues first (uploading, editing), and focus our efforts on components that done better task prioritization, focusing on key components of the system earlier (uploading files and editing details) as they are central to the purpose of the KaJaM! application.

Finally, we discovered that user testing can be very challenging because users often feel pressured pressure to "do the right thing", rather than identifying identify usability issues. There were several instances where the user would become withdrawn, uncommunicative, and frustrated that he or she could be complete the scenario tasksusers became less communicative as they became frustrated with completing a scenario task. It was an important cue for us to be more patient with the users, and keep re-assuring them that the problems lie with in our design, and not their competence. Sometimes it's easy to blame mistakes on the user, but we learned to extract lessons from the users in order to improve our interface design.We learned to accept criticism objectively and recognize that "the user is always right".

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