This is a repository of presentations that members of ISDA have given at MIT or elsewhere.
January 2010
Identity Services, presented on January 8th, 2010: PPTX, PDF
September 2009
Below are the individual presenations from the ISDA ALl Hands on September 24, 2009.
Content and Collaboration Services FY2010 Q1
Data and Reporting Services FY2010 Q1
Developer Software and Platform Services FY2010 Q1
June 2009
Presentations from ISDA All Hands June 22, 2009 ISDA All Hands June222009 FINAL.ppt and ISDA All Hands DSPS 6-22-09.ppt
March 2009
January 2009
MIT Touchstone Configuration - The basics of configuring a web application to use MIT Touchstone. IAP 2009 (January 16, 2009)
An Introduction to MIT Touchstone - recap of ITAG Luncheon Talk given in October of 2008, IAP 2009 (January 6, 2009)
August 2008
MIT Touchstone - MIT Libraries briefing, Augusts 2008
ISDA All Hands July312008 Final.pdf
June 2008
MIT Touchstone - SAIS briefing, June 2008