4. go to the directory thalia-maven/ime//trunk/thalia and run
mvn clean package
5. to deploy the war:
a. Currently, it will deploy to isda- thalia-1dev.mit.edu. You need to modify the pom.xml file to specify a different location
b. to specify tomcat authentication info, add the following line in settings.xml in $M2_HOME/conf/settings.xml
c. do
mvn tomcat:deploy
6. If you have to make configuration changes:
Part of the profile definition is in ime\Trunk\thalia\pom.xml under the profiles section. It specifies which servers to deploy to in each environment. Part of the profile definition is in thalia\ime\Trunk\thalia\src\main\filters*.properties files. It specifies the alfresco server address/port, alfresco passwords for user and admin. To change the development environment, edit dev.properties.
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