Operating system: Windows, AppleMac OS
Web browser: Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome
Starting the app
Here is the URL to access our application, which is also our navigation menu: http://web.mit.edu/sxc2/www/agedtoperfection/
Shallow features
- Main Page:
- Most of the tiles link to a dummy page that only contains basic layout and no real functionality because they are not in the core scenario.
- The functionality to customize tiles does not exist.
- User log in and log out are not implemented.
- Icons are not finalized because we are using canned interests.
- Video Connect Page:
- Fake friends and no video chat back-end implemented.
- Add friend button's back-end is not implemented, so clicking on it will immediately show that the other user is your friend.
- Health Page:
- This category is canned.
- Does not allow user to post questions but does allow the user to answer existing questions.
- "Go Back to Page" button and "Go to Page" work, but the content isn't updated.
- The questions are sorted by their 'answered?' status.
- Answers to questions will disappear upon refresh
- The "Auto Schedule" button which fills in your schedule uses a dumb algorithm right now: it just moves activities from "Activities" to "Schedule" without considering the distance between activities, etc
- We give the user a pre-populated list of activities in the "Activity" column. The form for adding activities is not active yet
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