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James Arana was brought to the athletic trainer after sustaining a leg injury in a game of pickup basketball. The trainer diagnoses his injury as a torn hamstring and begins creating a rehabilitation workout. The trainer enters the easy trainer system and searches for James Arana's profile. This is his first injury so the trainer must create a profile and populate it with the recent injury details. He selects the create button on the main paige which directs him to the create page. He fills in James' personal information, and injury details and is finally at the workout part of the create page. A list of common workout templates for the specified injury populate the screen. The trainer selects the most relevant one, customizes it if necessary, and finishes entering James' information. As James comes in to perform his workouts, the student trainer supervises and tracks his progress. The assistant trainer uses the same search bar on the main page to look up James' profile. Since it is now in the system the student trainer selects James Arana and is brought to James' profile. Here the assigned workout, recovery stats, current injury, injury history, and injury pictures can be navigated to. The assistant trainer selects recovery and 'add progress' to enter the observations from the day's workout. The trainers can then quickly view these observations as a datapoint in the rehabilitation vs time graph on the recovery page. After a few weeks James is 90% rehabilitated.

Group Sketch 2 Analysis

Learnability: Given that the user is an athletic trainer and already knows what kind of information he needs to save this should be a easily Learnable interface. There are few buttons which have obvious functions. By just going through the usual trainer workout creation steps, more difficult things like understanding what workouts are being displayed in the create page should be obvious because the trainer knows what injury he is dealing with and should be very familiar with the specific workouts associated with the injury. 

Efficiency: This design is very efficient. If all the information is in the system, you can edit a patient's information or update progress in minimal steps. The pre populated list of workouts in the create page also allow for the quickest workout creation.

Safety: If the trainer selects the wrong athlete he may be confused on how to submit a new query, perhaps a search bar should always be at the top of the screen for quick searches. In the create process, if the trainer makes a mistake he can easily edit any of the information before he submits. If he submits and needs to make a change, the information can be edited directly from the profile page. enter analysis here

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