Members of the VLBI2010 Committee have carried out a series of Monte Carlo simulations to assess the error contribution of tropospheric delays, clock errors, and observation noise to parameters estimated with geodetic VLBI, like baseline lengths, station coordinates, or Earth orientation parameters. VLBI2010 simulations have been performed by the Goddard group (with Calc/Solve and Geodyn) and by the Vienna group (in the beginning with the Occam Kalman filter and a dedicated Precise-Point-Positioning tool for VLBI simulations, and later on with the Vienna VLBI Software VieVS).
These studies have shown (e.g., Petrachenko et al. 2009, Pany et al. 2011; various IVS Memoranda) that deficiences in tropospheric delay modeling are the major error source for VLBI2010 among the three sources mentioned above. [It is important to note here, that we did not consider source structure effects for the simulations, nor did we simulate systematic effects.]
The simulation of tropospheric delays is based on the turbulence model and the strategy described by Nilsson et al. (2007). In Vienna, the source code by Böhm et al. (2007) is applied. The key parameters for this model are the Cn parameter (structure constant), the effective scale height H, and - to a lesser extent - the wind velocity. A recent list of station-wise parameters as determined by Tobias Nilsson from GPS measurements is provided below. In this table, the scale height is 2000 meters for all sites.
Station | Cn | Station | Cn |
GILCREEK | 1.16 | KATH12M | 1.68 |
YELLOWKN | 1.24 | WARK12M | 1.94 |
WESTFORD | 2.30 | Simeiz | 1.98 |
GOLDSTONE | 1.45 | MALINDI | 1.90 |
KOKEE | 1.39 | LIBREVILLE | 1.37 |
FORTLEZA | 2.46 | HELWAN | 1.54 |
TIGOCONC | 2.08 | KERGUELEN | 2.47 |
TAHITI | 2.19 | BANGALORE | 1.86 |
NYALES20 | 0.65 | LHASA | 1.23 |
WETTZELL | 1.50 | BETIOISLAND | 1.69 |
HARTRAO | 1.34 | Quezon | 2.44 |
URUMQI | 1.79 | EasterIsland | 1.91 |
TSUKUB32 | 3.45 | Quito III | 0.91 |
HOBART12 | 1.60 | DIEGO GARCIA | 2.25 |
YARRA12M | 1.76 | Maspalomas | 1.32 |
LaPlata | 2.42 | Hofn | 1.60 |
The Monte Carlo simulations have revealed that we need as many observations as possible at the stations with a good sky distribution, together with short intervals for the estimation of wet zenith delays and gradients. For example, if there are observations every 30 seconds, then estimation intervals of about 5 to 10 minutes for zenith delays and gradients (‘rapid gradients’) have proven to yield the best results in terms of baseline lengths and station coordinates.
Ongoing and future tasks:
- In VieVS, source based scheduling (as originally suggested by Bill Petrachenko and Tony Searle at NRCan) is implemented with the possibility of two or four sources open for observation at a particular time. The Vienna group is testing how the results with this approach differ from using the classical station based scheduling as also used by SKED. Does a uniform distribution on the sky within a certain time interval automatically cause a good sky distribution at the stations?
- Source based scheduling with four sources observed at a time allows increasing the cutoff elevation angle. It should be assessed what is the benefit when using a higher cutoff elevation angle.
- Tobias Nilsson is going to implement a Kalman filter to VieVS. It will be highly interesting to test the Kalman filter for VLBI2010 simulations.
B. Petrachenko, A. Niell, D. Behrend, B. Corey, J. Böhm, P. Charlot, A. Collioud, J. Gipson, R. Haas, T. Hobiger, Y. Koyama, D. MacMillan, Z. Malkin, T. Nilsson, A. Pany, G. Tuccari, Alan Whitney, J. Wresnik, Design Aspects of the VLBI2010 System - Progress Report of the IVS VLBI2010 Committee, NASA/TM-2009-214180, 2009.
A. Pany, J. Böhm, D. MacMillan, H. Schuh, T. Nilsson, J. Wresnik, Monte Carlo simulations of the impact of troposphere, clock and measurement errors on the repeatability of VLBI positions, Journal of Geodesy, 85(1), pp. 39-50, doi: 10.1007/s00190-010-0415-1, 2011.
T. Nilsson, R. Haas, and G. Elgered, Simulations of atmospheric path delays using turbulence models, Proceedings of the 18th European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry Working Meeting, 12-13 April 2007, edited by J. Boehm, A. Pany, and H. Schuh, Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, Heft Nr. 79, Schriftenreihe der Studienrichtung Vermessung und Geoinformation, Technische Universitaet Wien, ISSN 1811-8380, 2007.
J. Boehm, J. Wresnik, and A. Pany, Simulations of wet zenith delays and clocks, IVS Memorandum 2006-013v03, 2007 a test by Johannes ... write about tropospheric delay modeling for VLBI2010 ...