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GR1 -


Project Proposal and Analysis

User analysis

We have identified five main user classes.

Task analysis


Task Analysis

- Upload a photo

- everyone

- self

- group

- Create/join  a group

- View a groups photos

- Group to similar group

- picture to picture

- Commenting


1) The Social Photo Sharer -This user class consists of tech-savvy individuals who take a lot of pictures and like to share them with others.

  • Persona: Jennifer is a college student with many different groups of friends. She carries around her camera with her everywhere because she likes to be prepared to capture a picture when the occasion comes up. She is also the person in the group who takes all the pictures during big events or when she goes on a trip. Jennifer probably takes about 100 photos each month, mostly of her friends and family. Her friends expect her to upload her pictures online so that they can view them.

2) The Photography Hobbyist -These users are those who take pictures either professionally or as a hobby and want to store and organize their photos online.

  • Persona: Jason is a 25 year old employee of a tech start-up company and just picked up photography as a hobby. He's been trying to take a photo a day, and it is usually of nature and scenery. To keep his photos organized and backed up, he stores them all online. He also started a blog recently and refers to his photos every so often by linking readers to them.

3) The Casual Computer User - This user class includes people who are more inexperienced with computers. They also want to stay connected by sharing and viewing photos of friends and family.

  • Persona: Sarah is a 60-year-old mother with three children who are all in different locations. She wants to stay connected with her family by viewing pictures they post of their family and sharing the pictures she takes of her and her husband. Sarah, however, isn't very tech-savvy. She usually waits for her children to send her links to albums before she views them. She also uploads only a few pictures at a time to her site.

4) The Batch Photo Browsers - The Batch Photo Browsers are the friends or followers of the Social Photo Sharer. These people want to use our website to browse the albums uploaded by their friends.

  • Persona: Anna loves being in pictures, but never bothers to take any herself because her friends usually take a lot when she is around them. Thus, she waits very anxiously for her friends to upload their pictures so she can view them all. She follows a lot of friends for their photo uploads and spends a lot of time looking through them and commenting on them.

5) The Singleton Photo Consumer - This user class is made up of people who are sent a link to an individual photo and come to our website to view it. They do not necessarily know the owner of the photo they are viewing.

  • Persona: Eric is really good friends with Jake, and Jake's friends just uploaded some funny pictures of him from his Spring Break trip. Eric doesn't really know Jake's friends, but Jake really wants Eric to see some of the photos from these Spring Break albums. Jake finds the ones he likes and sends them individually to Eric to view.

Task analysis

Task 1: Upload photos

  • Goal: Upload photos in an intuitive and efficient manner
  • Precondition: Have photos on local storage and select the desired photos
  • Postcondition: Photos uploaded

Task 2: Share photos with groups

  • Goal: Share photos to desired group or groups
  • Subtask: pick from uploaded photos
    • Precondition: Have uploaded photos
    • Postcondition: Select photos to be shared among a group or groups
  • Subtask: Determine which group or groups that the photos will be available to
    • Precondition: Understand the concept of groups and belong to groups
    • Postcondition: Select photos to be available to particular groups

Task 3: View photos

  • Goal: View individual or batch photos in an efficient and aesthetically pleasing way
  • Subtask: View individual photo by following a link
    • Precondition: Have a link to a particular photo
    • Postcondition: See the photo
  • Subtask: View all photos in a particular group
    • Precondition: Belong to a group
    • Postcondition: See all photos in that group
  • Subtask: Browse casually through all the public photos on the site
    • Precondition: none
    • Postcondition: none

Task 4: Commenting on photos:

  • Goal: Be able to comment on individual photos
  • Precondition: View a photo
  • Postcondition: Leave a comment

Task 5: Group management

  • Goal: Be able to create, join, and leave groups easily
  • Subtask: Create a group
    • Precondition: Know which users to be included in the group
    • Postcondition: Create group with the intended users
  • Subtask: Join a group
    • Precondition: Know which group to join
    • Postcondition: Join the group
  • Subtask: Leave a group
    • Precondition: Belong to a group but no longer want to stay with the group
    • Postcondition: Leave the group
  • Subtask: Administrate a group
    • Precondition: Be the administrator of a group and have requests from other users
    • Postcondition: Accept or deny request for joining the group

Domain analysis

Image Added
