To view MTL Cost Recovery reports, log into the MTL Cost Recovery application and choose the billing period for which you wish to view reports. There a are three reports that exist for each billing period that are viewable by supervisors and their administrators.
This report shows all charges for the billing period, and unlike the other reports, it can be viewed any time during or after the billing period, providing a "current snapshot" of the charges to date. The data for this report is updated each day just after midnight, so charges for the current day will not be shown. This report is displayed as a Web page in the MTL Cost Recovery application, and the report allows for filtering, grouping, and sorting of charges, where the displayed charge values (dollars) are updated based on the current grouping and filtering. See the annotated screenshot below for details. This report has the following fields:
- Supervisor
- Lab Identity
- Charge Category
- Lab
- Cost Object
- Item
- Incurred Cost
- Actual Cost
Billing Report Summary
This PDF report shows a summary of charges for the month, grouped by lab identity (user or computer). This report has the following fields:
- Rate Charge Type
- Lab
- Incurred Charge
- Charge
This report is only available when the billing period is over and the processing of charges has been completed by MTL fiscal staff.
Billing Report Detail
This PDF report shows all charges for the month, grouped by lab identity (user or computer). This report has the following fields:
- Rate Charge Type
- Lot
- Item
- Start Time
- End Time
- Cost Object
- Wafer
- PU
- Incurred Charge
- Charge
This report is only available when the billing period is over and the processing of charges has been completed by MTL fiscal staff.