Main features of the library:
- new ROOT 5.22.00 version;
- updated FTPC calibration code;
- several updates related to new BTOF code;
- year 2009 geometry fixes;
- fixed problem reading run 2009 trigger data with
new DAQ1000 reader code; - number of codes adjustment for 64-bits SL5 platform (not final);
- new Qt4 version consistent with ROOT 5.22.00;
- several bugs have been fixed
More detailes regarding new library's updates
you can find on the drupal page
new SL09e library was created on November 9, tested
and moved to 'NEW'. It is the last library which
has old pams codes.
Main features of the library:
- completed adjustment to SL5.3 platform;
- several patches to ROOT 5.22.00 version has been done;
- new BTOF calibration and VPD code;
- new FMS DB code;
- RTS reader added capability to read trigger data files in format .dat;
- new TPX response simulator;
Library was built on SL4.4 and SL5 platforms and you
can use it to compile your private codes.
Documentaion for this library was accomplished and
you can find it on the drupal page;
Nov 23:
we created stable SL09f library with all codes from
current DEV up-to-date to proceed with calibrations production.
Nov 25:
A reminder (and at least the second official announcement)
that the timestamp for Year 10 geometry as been released as being
20091215 . You are free to enter your initial simulation flavor
values at ANY event time prior to this time (I suggest using an
arbitrary 20091115 a month prior) and any real data initialization
which may be picked up by the sim+ofl flavor post that date.
Star production plan