- User has an account on the Alfresco server
- There is a Website (Web project) called "mywebsite" where the user has a sandbox.
- The ROOT folder contains two folders, "products" and "services".
- The "products" folder contains an html content file,
- "products.html".
- The
- "services"
- folder
- contains
- a blank html content file,
- "services.html".
- User
- logs
- into
- Alfresco
- Web
- Client.
- User
- navigates
- to
- Company
- Home
- >
- Websites
- >
- mywebsite
- User
- navigates
- to
- user's
- sandbox
- User
- navigates
- into
- the
- "products"
- folder.
- User
- clicks
- on
- the
- View
- Details
- icon
- for
- products.html
- User
- clicks
- on
- the
- Modify
- icon.
- The
- Edit
- File
- Properties
- screen
- is
- displayed.
- User
- fills
- out
- /
- verifies
- the
- following
- fields:
- Name:
- "products.html"
- (required,
- unique
- in
- this
- folder)
- Title:
- "My
- Company'
- s Products"
- Description:
- "A
- detailed
- listing
- of
- all
- the
- products
- sold
- by
- My
- Company,
- Inc."
- User
- navigates
- into
- the
- "services"
- folder.
- User
- clicks
- on
- the
- Edit
- icon
- for
- services.html
- The
- TinyMCE
- editor
- is
- displayed
- to
- the
- user.
- In
- the
- rich
- text
- window,
- the
- user
- enters:
- "Also
- see
- our
- products
- page."
- User
- highlights
- the
- text
- "our
- products
- page".
- User
- clicks
- the
- Insert/Edit
- Link
- button.
- The
- Insert/Edit
- Link
- popup
- appears.
- User clicks "Browse
- mywebsite"
- button.
- A treeview of the mywebsite site appears.
- User navigates to ROOT > products and selects products.html
- User clicks Insert.
- The popup disappears.
- User clicks Save.
- User clicks on the Preview icon for services.html
- The Services page is displayed.
- User views the source of the page.
- The source contains "Also see <a href="../products/products.html>our
- products
- page</a>."
- User navigates back to the products.html
- properties
- and
- clicks
- the
- Modify
- button.
- User
- changes
- the
- Name
- from
- "products.html"
- to
- "prods.html"
- User
- navigates
- back
- to
- services.html
- and
- clicks
- on
- the
- Preview
- icon,
- and
- views
- the
- page
- source.
- The source contains "Also
- see
- <a
- href="../products/prods.html>our
- products
- page</a>."
This is all I have for now. Clearly there are more use cases:
- Files should be movable. That is, cut and paste products.html to a different folder, and maintain the links.
- Non-rich editing of the HTML should be supported. Thus, the link objects need a reasonable and unique identifier. For example, the actual products.html file may contain something like "Also see <a href='${links
- ["My
- Company's
- Products"
- ].url}'>our
- products
- page</a>."
- Further,
- other properties such as Title should be accessible: "Also see <a href='${links
- ["Products"
- ].url}'>${links
- ["Products"
- ].title}</a>."
- And
- use
- cases
- involving
- embedding
- of
- links
- into
- structured
- content
- via
- XForms.