Change the information on the template to reflect the collection title, collection number, series number (if applicable) and box number in question
If printing to Archives Mezz. B&W, adjust printer settings before sending labels
(Menu ~ Paper Menu ~ Default Source ~ Manual Paper)
Put label sheet face-up in the manual paper feeder (pull-down panel on the right side of the printer)
Send your label document to the printer
*You may need to keep an eye on the printer; sometimes a red light comes on and it will prompt you to manually feed each sheet through. If this happens, press the check mark button on the printer
If addition to existing collection, at the time you are ready to apply new barcodes, pull original barcode sheet for that collection, or the particular series in collection. (These are originals so take out at point of use and refile immediately when barcoding is finished)
If new collection, pull empty barcode sheets with proper box numbers, fill in collection name and number (in pen so it can be easily photocopied)
Apply copy one to the middle of the box label, apply copy two on interior of box, apply copy three to barcode sheet in space next to its matching box number.
Record carton (paige) boxes
One barcode goes on the front of the box and one goes inside the box below the handle behind the front label (do not put the interior barcode above the handle in case the handle tears).
Manuscript boxes
Half manuscript boxes