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 About The Project

The Net Zero Carbon Group

will be

 2019 Workshop was an interdisciplinary collaboration

of graduate students working

between faculty, professionals, and graduate students working to map out the

process of transforming an island with

processes involved in transforming a model island community with a conventional energy profile to

an island

one with a resilient net zero carbon energy system supplying its permanent residents.

This group will meet for fours

For the initial kick-off meeting, the group met for five days with the objective of developing an initial roadmap for reaching this goal. As this collaborative effort will

be laying

helped lay important foundations related to the energy transition in community-sized energy systems, the


paths taken to achieve the end goal


are vital. For the inaugural meeting, Model-Based Reasoning and

Design Thinking have been

Design Thinking were carefully chosen as



used to propel this effort to its full potential.

to facilitate collaborative work during the process of creating the outline of a draft master plan for a model community.

This workshop produced three theoretical projects for MV on:

  1. Green Housing Fund
  2. Sustainable Farming
  3. Economics

The MIT Energy Initiative hosted the workshop on campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts with the support of the companies Shell and Viessmann. 

In particular, students with an interest in the energy transition and

<Short write-up on Model-Based Reasoning and Design Thinking?>

<Do we want to give details about Martha's Vineyard being the case study?>

MIT's Energy Initiative will host the workshop on campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts with the assistance of Shell and Viessmann (do we want to include Shell and Viessmann on the site?)

Students who want to learn more about energy transition in general, are interested

in the strategic development of community-sized resilient energy systems

, who want to explore collaborative tools, and who take interest in

should find value in this workshop. Students should also show an interest in interdisciplinary collaborative research methods and private-public partnerships

should find value in this workshop

. We are


looking for a diverse group of students, so carbon neutrality enthusiasm

is not at all a requirement for applicants, we would, in fact, encourage students not so keen on the idea to apply (do we want to note this? do we want to word it differently?). As well, any open

or a specific disciplinary background are not required. Open questions coming out of the workshop will be available as research topics for theses and papers

at MIT



Workshop Dates:

January 22

January 23

January 24

January 25

January 26

Applications are being accepted and considered on a rolling basis until December 21, 2018 (what do we think of this date?)


This January workshop was funded by Shell and the National Science Foundation sponsored EMBeRS project.


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Please also visit the MIT Energy Initiative and their Education site to

  <Do we want to plug MITEI/Education?>