- For determining the authorized form of MIT corporate names or the names of sponsors:
- OCLC Connexion: http://www.oclc.org/connexion/
- LC Name Authority File: http://authorities.loc.gov/
- Occasionally there is a new DLC that does not have an authorized form and a heading will need to be created using RDA guidelines (Chapter 11, Section 2): http://access.rdatoolkit.org/.
- For editing titles and abstracts to include symbols, special characters and scientific notation:
- FileFormat.Info: http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/index.htm
- Diacritics, symbols, and scientific notations can be entered by cutting and pasting from Character Map (C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\System Tools).
- For guidance creating For formatting MLA citations:
- Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL): https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/
- https://www.zotero.org/
Editing the metadata
There are 16 fields that you may need to edit when you are cataloging an article.
- Search the Open Access database in Filemaker to find the authorized form of the MIT department, lab, or center (DLC). OCLC and LNAF may also be consulted. If the authorized name cannot be found in the Open Access database, OCLC, or LNAF then you will need to create an authorized version of the name . Enter the authorized name using RDA guidelines (Chapter 11, Section 2, http://access.rdatoolkit.org/). Enter the authorized name you created in the Filemaker database and add your initials and the date to the note field next to it.
- Enter any MIT DLCs listed in the article and also enter any DLCs that appear in an author's MIT Directory record.
- Enter each DLC only once - even when multiple authors are associated with a single DLC.
- Exceptions:
- The Broad Institute (after July 7, 2009), MIT-Singapore Alliance, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute are not considered MIT Affiliations and should not be entered.
- Whitehead Institute, Ragon Institute, and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute should only be entered if the Authors are also MIT affiliates.
- Confirm the title of article or book chapter by checking that it matches the title of the item being submitted
- A title may need to be edited if it contains symbols and subscript/superscripts. Often a symbol-free title can be copied and pasted from the publisher-provided citation. When a symbol-free title cannot be found in the publisher-provided citation, any diacritics, symbols, and scientific notations can be entered by cutting and pasting from Character Map (C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\System Tools).
- Most characters (including superscript numbers) can be added into the title field with the exception of subscripts (numbers and characters) and superscript (characters). Instead they are typed into the title as [subscript] or [superscript].
- Confirm the title by checking the publisher page, pdf or doc and Open Access database.
- Enter the journal title into the Filemaker database if there is not already an entry for it. Make sure to include ISSN/ISBN and publisher information. Do not use articles at the beginning of the journal titles.
- Leave the journal field blank if the article has not been accepted yet.
- Enter the journal title if the submitted article was accepted and is forthcoming.
Book Chapters
- When cataloging a book chapter add the book title as the journal title. Book titles are not added to the Filemaker Database.
- Use the Open Access database to locate the appropriate form of the publisher name (as used in the Open Access collection) by searching for the journal title.
- Enter the name of the publisher of the journal in which the article is published.
- Find the list of sponsors in the pdf or on the publisher page. Sponsors are often listed in the footnotes at the bottom of the first page or in the acknowledgements section at the end of an article. Occasionally the list of sponsors appears before the appendix.
- Enter each sponsor individually as Sponsor Name (number) in the Sponsor field. Include only sponsors only when direct funding is stated or implied for an MIT author. Often initials will accompany the sponsor name and grant/contract/award number information in the article.
- When entering the name of sponsors use the NACO form of the name. To find the NACO form of the name check the Open Access database using the Sponsors tableor OCLC.
- If the number is qualified with "grant," "contract," "award," or other term put it capitalized in the parenthesis with the number (do not use no. or number)
- Example: National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award 123-678-SFN)
- When the authorized heading is not English, use your judgment to choose one of the 410s as our locally established form of the name. This will better meet the needs of the DSpace user community.
- Example: Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu
- Use Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey.
- Make a note in the filemaker of your decision and provide the NACO form of the name. The information you provide in the note field will help with future clean-up efforts. Add the date and your initials before the note.
- Add names as necessary to the Sponsors table in the Open Access database if an entry does not already exist following these steps:
- Research the sponsor for correct form (see above).
- Fill in Sponsor Name.
- Under "Sponsor Notes" add:
- Your initials and date
- Add any acronyms.
- Add "use for" if different from original sponsor statement.
- Any other pertinent notes
- NAF Check: "Yes" means the form exists in LOC. "No" means you checked LOC and it is not there.
- Exceptions:
- If there is not a grant/contract/award number simply enter only the sponsor name.
- If there is a joint grant/contract/award number associated with two or more sponsors then enter each sponsor separately followed by the number from the joint funding source.
- If an individual is listed as a sponsor enter the sponsor’s name as it appears in the acknowledgements.
- If the item is a correction for a published article only list the grant and funding information if it appears on the correction.
- Sponsors are not added for a specific procedure, machine or facility.
Formulas for Sponsors
Formulas for Sponsors
Sponsor Statement = Entry for D-Space
- Cut and paste the abstract from the publisher page. If it the abstract is not on the publisher page then cut and paste the abstract from the item.
- Abstracts containing formulas and symbols may need editing.
No Abstract
- Sometimes a publisher will have a summary/synopsis; if an abstract is not available use the summary/synopsis. We currently do not add visual abstracts to the item records in DSpace.
- Abstracts containing formulas and symbols may need editing.
When the publisher has keywords for article include them after the abstract. The keywords should be preceded by Keyword with a colon. Between each keyword place semicolons.
No Abstract
- If there is not an abstract on the item or provided by the publisher then copy and paste the first paragraph of text from the item.
- If it is a book review or letter to the editor, create an abstract
- If there is not an abstract on the item or provided by the publisher then copy and paste the first paragraph of text from the item.
- If it is a book review or letter to the editor, create an abstract (review of Title, or Letter concerning XXX).
Automatic DepositsBook Chapters
- Enter the first paragraph of the book chapter as the abstract.
Automatic Deposits
- When the When the article is an automatic deposit sometimes the abstract is already in the Abstract field. Make sure to check the field to determine if the data is correct.
- The abstract may need to be edited if it contains diacritics, symbols, or scientific notation.
DOI Provided
- This field will already be populated with metadata and the data will need to be reviewed to ensure it is correct. Leave the citation in the style it was created by the publisher.
- Add © [year of publication 20XX] Publisher to the end of all citations in which we are cataloging the "Final Published Version" of an article. An exception to this practice is if the author(s) maintain the copyright, in which case do not add the copyright statement.
DOI Missing or Incorrect
- Use the MLA citation style for all citations in Open Access Article Collection. A useful resource for MLA citation style guidelines is the Purdue OWL (https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/).
- Always double check to make the citation is in proper MLA format.
- For articles or book chapters with three or more authors use et al after the name of first author.
- If there are not page numbers use the article number instead in the citation.
- Example:
Genova, Antonio et al. “Solar System Expansion and Strong Equivalence Principle as Seen by the NASA MESSENGER Mission.” Nature Communications 9, 1 (January 2018): 289 © 2018 The Author(s)
- Example:
DOI Provided
- This field should already be populated with metadata and the data will need to be reviewed to ensure it is correct. Leave the citation in the style it was created by the publisher.
- There are several ways to enter the citation:
- Cutting and pasting citation from publisher page
- Downloading citation into Zotero or other citation management program and creating an MLA citation for the item
- Creating the MLA citation yourself if (1) a citation is not provided by the publisher or (2) the item is forthcoming but not yet published. Refer to Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) website for guidance on how to create an MLA citation (https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/).
- Review the citation for spacing issues and accuracy. Delete the DOI from the Citation and any downloaded date provided by a citation management program.
- Add © [year of publication 20XX] PublisherPublisher to the end of all citations in which we are cataloging the "Final Published Version" of an article. An exception to this practice is if If the author(s) maintain the copyright, in which case do not add the copyright statement.
Forthcoming Publications
- If the article has been accepted by a journal and will be published in the future: Build a citation based on the information provided by the submitter, using “Forthcoming in:” prior to the journal name to highlight the fact that the article is not yet published. Name, "Article Title," Forthcoming in: Journal Title
- If no known publication is forthcoming, leave the citation field blank
- copyrights add © [year of publication 20XX] The Author(s)
DOI Missing or Incorrect
- There are several ways to enter the citation:
- Cutting and pasting citation from publisher page
- Downloading citation into Zotero or other citation management program and creating an MLA citation for the item
- Creating the MLA citation yourself if (1) a citation is not provided by the publisher or (2) the item is forthcoming but not yet published. Refer to Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) website for guidance on how to create an MLA citation (https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/).
- Review the citation for spacing issues and accuracy. Delete the DOI from the Citation and any downloaded date provided by a citation management program.
- Add © [year of publication 20XX] Publisher to the end of all citations in which we are cataloging the "Final Published Version" of an article. If the author(s) maintain the copyrights add © [year of publication 20XX] The Author(s)
Forthcoming Publications
- If the article has been accepted by a journal and will be published in the future: Build a citation based on the information provided by the submitter, using “Forthcoming in:” prior to the journal name to highlight the fact that the article is not yet published. Name, "Article Title," Forthcoming in: Journal Title
- If no known publication is forthcoming, leave the citation field blank
Conference Papers
- Published conference presentations or papers should be cited in one of the following formats:
Last Name, First Name. “Conference Paper Title.” Conference Title that Includes Conference Date and Location, edited by Conference Editor(s), Publisher, Date of Publication.
Last Name, First Name. "Conference Paper Title." Conference Title that Does Not Include Conference Date and Location, Conference Date, Conference Location, edited by Conference Editor(s) Publisher, Date of Publication.
- Example: Alistarh, Dan et al. "Time-space trade-offs in population protocols." Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA '17), January 2017, Barcelona, Spain, edited by Philip N. Klein,Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), 2017
Book Chapters
- Book chapters should be cited in the following format:
Last Name, First Name. "Book Chapter Title." Book Title. edited by Book Editors, Publisher, Date of Publication: Page Range.
- Example: Keller, Evelyn Fox. "Pot-holes Everywhere: How (not) to Read my Biography of Barbara McClintock." Writing about Lives in Science, edited by Vita Fortunati and Elena Agazzi, V&R Unipress, 2014: 33-42 © 2018 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
- Example: Keller, Evelyn Fox. "Pot-holes Everywhere: How (not) to Read my Biography of Barbara McClintock." Writing about Lives in Science, edited by Vita Fortunati and Elena Agazzi, V&R Unipress, 2014: 33-42 © 2018 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
- Add © [year of publication 20XX] Publisher to the end of the citation if we are cataloging the "Final Published Version" of the book chapter. If the author(s) maintain the copyrights add © [year of publication 20XX] The Author(s)
Ordered AuthorsOrdered Author:
DOI Provided
- Confirm that the data already in the field is correct.
- Names should be formatted as Last, First M. or Last, F. M.
- Examples:
- Warden, M. R.; Miller, E. K.
- Henry, Asegun; Chen, Gang; Plimpton, Steven; Thompson, Aidan
- Cho, Taeg Sang; Lee, Kyeong-Jae; Kong, Jing; Chandrakasan, Anantha P.
- When finished entering the metadata for a given item click the "Next" button at the bottom of the page. You will then be taken a page where you can review the attachments. Remove or add files as needed. Make sure to indicate which file is the primary file. Then click the "Complete submission" button.
- Check the item record to be sure that the needed metadata has been entered correctly and in the correct fields.
- You now have four buttons to choose from:
- Commit to archive: Clicking this button will submit the item and corresponding metadata into DSpace (This is the final step in the cataloging process).
- Edit metadata: Clicking this button will return you to the main cataloging page. You will then be able to make any necessary edits or additions.
- Return task to pool: Clicking this button will return an item to the original task list you took it from at the beginning of the process. This should only be done if someone else needs access to the record before it is submitted to DSpace.
- Cancel: Clicking this button will put the item into your own personal task list. This is useful if you need to return to an item at a later time, need to do more research, or need to ask a question about a given item.