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Table of Contents


2015 Class call definitions are rewritten

2015 Rewritten Constitution and Standing Policies replace Old Constitution and Bylaws

2013 Creation of Vice President and Vice Treasurer positions

2011-2012 Offering free pizza to students is tried 

2011-2012  PE is offered first quarter in the fall only

2010 Spring PE offered for 2 quarters


2009 Fall  No PE offered 

2009  Class Coordinator & Class Assistants get free subscriptions when there is a class

2008 Tech Squares Weekend moves to East Hill Farm

2007 Rounds fees incorporated into general dance fee

2005 first Tech Squares Challenge Weekend

2004 tech-squares-officers list created

2004 Ted changed the class teaching order in Spring 2004 when we went back to a 13 week class to avoid starting the class before PE.

2003-4 Weekly Job descriptions and officer descriptions put on the web 

2003  10:30 ending time

2003 Fall -rounds mailing list created

2003 Ted adjusts the class teaching order when we changed the ending time to 10:30 and added a 14th week

2002 35th anniversary dance

2002 Tech Squares moves back from Thursday to Tuesday nights

2001 Weekly emails to tech-squares start

2001 Spring PE credit was offered 

2000 Monthly dances are reduced from 8 to 4 per year

2000 Weekly emails to tech-squares stop

2000  tech squares discuss created

2000  Club hosts Jerry Story dance  


1999 tech-squares-social created 

1998 Dancing moves from Tuesday to Thursday nights

1998 Ted Lizotte changes the teaching order in Spring 1998.

1997-8 Club receives ASA funding 

1997 30th anniversary dance, October 18

1996-7 Weekly Jobs Start

1995 Stephen Gildea and Linda Resnick write the call definitions

1995 first Tech Squares Weekend

Before 1994, the caller was payed a percentage of that night's gate. 

1993-4 Semester subscriptions are offered 

1993 Bill Kim Dance-a-thon (November 7). 

1992 25th anniversary dance, October 24

Before 1994, the caller was payed a percentage of that night's gate. 

The rounds mailing list was created in Fall 2003. 

Weekly emails to tech-squares started in 01 or 02. 

Discuss was created in 00 when the officers list was large and discussion that should have been open to the club happened on the officers list. 

Social was created in 99. 

Starting in the Spring 2000, MIT started offering Tech Squares Crash Crash course as a PhysEd class. And a year later, PE credit was officially offered for the class. The class is limited to two hours, so it officially runs 8:15 to 10:15. Be aware that the PE classes officially start one week after the rest of MIT classes. This means if Crash Course starts the first week of classes, we will have a group of PE students appear at 8:15 on Week 2 expecting to be taught from scratch. If students write us about signing up for our PE class, we should tell them to register through the lottery. While in practice we can just take them into the class, to the PE department sign-ups are an indication of demand and it’s in our best interest for the department to know if we’re a popular offering through initial sign-ups.