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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.

Meeting on Friday, November 16th

We discussed solutions to the questions of

  • Taxes and Quotas
  • Education
  • International Body

see the progress we made at to prepare for saturday's meeting

11/17/07: I have moved all of the proposals to children pages for each team. Post your solutions there and put a note here that you updated your page. I also put up the proposal that Team 1 emailed out in response to our (Team 4) questions about aquaculture.

Todd: October 28th

Let's start expanding the outline by adding questions and topics that need to be addressed under each section of the outline. If you make changes please sign them with your name and date. Substantial restructing of the outline is probably best left in the hands of the executive committee. Possibly we could also use this page to keep track of work assignments, but I would like to discuss that in class first. The page will look better if it is edited in Wiki Markup language. It's not hard to do. If you would like to alter, object, or otherwise comment on any of these suggestions, please contact me.
Todd Mooring 10/28

Solution Document Outline

  • Introduction
    • Survey of global fisheries and their significance
      • How much fish is caught? Where and what kinds? How important are nonfood uses of fish? How important are nonfish ocean products? Todd Mooring 10/28
      • What is the monetary value of these fish/other ocean creatures? How big economically is the fishing industry? How many people work in it? Todd Mooring 10/28
      • Attempt to classify world fisheries. Discuss similarities and differences between large high technology fisheries that provide fish to the developed world and the small fisheries of developing countries. Todd Mooring 10/28
  • Threats to fisheries
    • Fishing activities
      • Overexploitation Todd Mooring 10/28
      • Bycatch Todd Mooring 10/28
      • Other aspects of fishing (trawl damage, ghost fishing) Todd Mooring 10/28
    • Pollution
    • Climate
      • Could non-temperature aspects of climate change impact fish? If so, how? Todd Mooring 10/28
    • Assess relative importance of these factors Todd Mooring 10/28
  • Implications for Humans
    • Food security
      • Needs to be assessed by region of the world Todd Mooring 10/28
    • Economic impact
      • Would it be possible to put a dollar value on the loss of global fisheries? Todd Mooring 10/28
      • How hurtful have fishery collapses been in the past? Todd Mooring 10/28
  • Goals and Justification
    • (Maybe we should insert the goals here) Todd Mooring 10/28
    • What we want and why
  • Non-biological considerations when formulating solution
    • Economic/social/political issues
  • Regional/fishery management solutions---How goals are to be achieved
    • The global problem is a collection of local problems
    • Regional solutions
      • Discuss fishery problems and solutions in various regions of the world
    • Solutions by fishery type---solution templates
      • Discuss problems and solutions in various kinds of fisheries---large commercial, subsistence, etc.
    • Discuss effectiveness of various types of fishery management systems. Some methods are better than others, according to one source. Todd Mooring 10/28
    • This section could probably be reorganized Todd Mooring 10/28
  • Global and technical aspects of solution
    • Climate
    • International waters
    • Change global fish demand
    • Aquaculture
  • Specific recommendations/issues not addressed elsewhere
    • Need for additional fisheries research
  • Conclusion

Todd: October ?

Here is an outline/template for our solution.

Using the Outline

We could create the solution by listing and then answering relevant questions under each of these headings.  The topics are listed in what I think would be a rational order for a presentation or paper.  The outline could also be a site map for the Web site we will create.  Please feel free to send comments to me and/or post them on the wiki. 
-Todd Mooring

Solution Document Outline


                Survey of global fisheries and their significance

Threats to fisheries

                Fishing activities



Implications for Humans

                Food security

                Economic impact

Goals and Justification

                What we want and why

Non-biological considerations when formulating solution

                Economic/social/political issues

Regional/fishery management solutions---How goals are to be achieved

The global problem is a collection of local problems

                Regional solutions

                                Discuss fishery problems and solutions in various regions of the world

                Solutions by fishery type---solution templates

Discuss problems and solutions in various kinds of fisheries---large commercial, subsistence, etc.

Global and technical aspects of solution


                International waters

                Change global fish demand


Specific recommendations/issues not addressed elsewhere

                Need for additional fisheries research
