I could have sworn I already wrote this.
Individual Design Sketches:
- Katherine
- Jimmy
- design 1 (mobile nightime) - This design is intended for night time workers using a tiny interface. If a resident is without an id, they will look up their name in the db, and then ask them security questions from a card users signed when they checked-in to the dorm.
- design 2 (HomePage and Package Registration Page Possible Output after packages registered) - This design is intended for daytime workers registering packages. It allows a user to register multiple packages at once, increasing the efficiency of the of the process. The second image is still a design choice yet to be made. Once registered, I'm not sure if it's better to show an updates list of packages, or to show the package registration screen ready to take new inputs.
- design 3 (Package Pickup Page) - This design shows the process for picking up a package. Feedback is given instantly on whether or not a user entered is in the db, or has a package. If they have multiple packages that are all being checked out, there is a select all feature to make sure the process is efficient.
- Chris
Designs and Storyboards
Analysis of Storyboards
Alyssa P. Hacker works at the Maseeh desk during the day. She’s not associated with MIT in any way other than her job. Today she received a package for Ben Bitdiddle, which she placed in bin 3.
Three hours later Ben Bitdiddle turns up at desk and tells Alyssa that he has a package. Alyssa looks up the package and then marks the package as picked up. She then goes to the back room to retrieve Ben’s package from bin 3 and give it to Ben.
Individual Design Sketches:
Group Storyboards Designs and Analysis