Interview 1
- Father
- He was tech savvy.
- He had a decent camera and was primarily responsible for taking pictures and video using that.
- He maintained raw pictures in the file system of his computer.
- Interesting Moment: The Mom actually shares content almost every day, despite depending on the Dad to access all the content! The specific work around was typically emailing each individually requested picture, which seemed incredibly cumbersome.
Interview 2
- Father
- Age: 40’s
- Occupation: Software Engineer
- Children: 6 and 8 years old
- Interesting Moment: In this family, the father uploads the content, but is not interested in sharing. The mother is the primary sharer, and there is a lot of trouble for her finding specifically where the father puts the content. The father explained that the mother has to ask him for the location of the content, which makes for a "cumbersome" process.
Interview 3
- Father
- Age: 70
- Occupation: Retired Cardiologist
- Computer Experience: Uses computer for email, photography, sharing pictures and browsing the web. Manages all of the couples content.
- Interesting Moment: Mother has absolutely no idea how to access the fathers’ digital content, yet she loves looking at pictures of her children and granddaughter. This limits her to only look at pictures she takes on her phone and pictures the father prints out. Father was quoted as saying “Old people appreciate pictures that most people wouldn’t post on Facebook.”
User Classes
In our findings, it was common for a couple to consist of one passive and one active parent. This description characterizes each of the 3 couples that we interviewed very well.
- Active Parent
- Parent who does normally handle the logistics of storing content
- Either more technically savvy or more enthusiastic about using content
- Sharing is easy when they (the active parent) wants to share
- Sharing is not easy when the passive parent wants to share because the active parent must do all the work, often with the passive parent just looking over their shoulder
Needs and Goals
- Passive Parent
- Primarily concerned with accessing existing content easily, even though they didn’t organize it
- This especially means not having to go through the active parent
- In Interview 1, where emailing individual pictures was needed for this process
- In Interview 3, the mother avoided this process altogether because it was annoying for both parties.
- Wants clearer understanding of what content is accessible, without being the one who contributed it
- This especially means not having to go through the active parent
- Primarily concerned with accessing existing content easily, even though they didn’t organize it
- Active Parent
- Wants to continue to actively create and store content
- In Interview 3, the father liked be able to reliably know his content is safe and it's backed up location.
- Does not want passive parent’s involvement to interfere with their use of the content
- Should not be relied upon to do everything with content
- Wants to continue to actively create and store content