4his This is the home page of the MIT Shakespeare Ensemble Wiki.
Read "RulesWiki Guidelines" and see under "ExampleOther" under wiki information before you edit any of the pages. Also, see "Glossary" for reference. Thank you!
To edit pages, simply log in (top right) with your MIT certificate.
Ensemble Locker
From your browser, navigate to http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/ensemble/Private/
Action Items
1. Add PaperTech and Q2Q to producer.
2. Finish Webmaster.
3. Update Costume Designer.
4. Update the "So You Want to Prod for the Ensemble" article for newbie designersNew Designers
If you are interesting in getting involved in ensemble shows, you should be familiar with the following: Production Meetings, Contracts, Q2Q, Paper Tech, Put-in, Pre-put-in Hours. You should also understand your deadlines, who to ask for help, and the timeline of production week. The three things you can do to familiarize yourself with these terms and responsibilities is read the glossary, read the applicable guide, or ask an ensemble member.