- Edit and print graduation handouts (see Graduation Folder & Information for new grads)
- Get chocolate bars for people who had perfect attendance (don't penalize MIT students who missed review week)
- Assemble graduation folders
- Write up a graduation schedule (see below) and send to Ted, officers, and the class
- If you are planning for there to be a Grand March, add a line about it to the email announcements reminding the club that for the march each class member should have a club partner partner
- Consider asking on Discord for somebody to bring a couple pairs of needlenose pliers, so class members can add pronoun dangles and EC members can swap out officer dangles
- 7:30 Walkthrus
- 8:00 Club Tip
- 8:15 Class Tip (review & teach of last 4 calls)
- 8:40 Rounds & class meeting to prep hack tip
- 8:50 Hack tip for the Club (run by the class)
- 9:10 Hack tip for the Class (run by the club)
- 9:30 Grand March
- 9:40 Presentation of Diplomas
- 9:50 Announcements/Cake/Rounds
- 10:00 Club Tip (for everyone)
- 10:15 Rounds
- 10:20 Club Tip
- 10:35 Rounds
- 10:40 Club Tip