h6. What's New
*Spring 2010 Updates:*
* Students can now see make-up grades.
* Actual and original/make-up grades will automatically display to students (settings are configurable).
* Make-up grades can now be exported via spreadsheet.
* When assigning make-up grades, the make-up grade field now auto-populates the "actual" grade field.
* (!) *Actual and make-up grades are not averaged.*
* Instructional text boxes have been made more visible.
h6. The following conditions apply when using the Stellar Gradebook:
* When a student selects the Gradebook navigation link, they will only see their own
h6. Activating the Gradebook for your Class
1. Login to your Stellar class site
2. Click the Website Settings link at the bottom of the left navigation bar
3. Click the "Edit Navigation Bar" option. 'Basic Mode' page is displayed
4. Under the "show" column, check the box next to "Gradebook"
_Note: If the Gradebook link is not listed, look for the link in "Advanced Mode"_
5. Click "Submit" at the bottom of the page
h6. Basic Gradebook Tasks
* [Add or Import Assignments|Managing Assignments#Add and Import Assignments] into the Gradebook.
* [Enter|Grading#Enter Grades] and [approve grades|Grading#Approving Grades].
h6. Advanced Gradebook Tasks
Change the [configure|Configuring + Access to the Gradebook#Configure the Gradebook] settings that determine whether the Gradebook displays weight percentages and determines which scores are displayed in a student's Grade Report.
* [Edit|Managing Assignments#Editing Assignments] or [delete|Managing Assignments#Deleting and Restoring an Assignment] assignmentsA student cannot view another student's grades.
* [Change grades|Grading#Changing Grades].
* [View a grades history|Grading#Grade History].
* [Viewing Grade Summaries|Grading#Viewing Grade Summaries].
* [Enter Grades by Importing Excel and Exporting|Grading#Enter Grades by Importing Excel and Exporting] grade information to an .xls or .csv file.
Stellar automatically adds the students to the Gradebook, and your [Access Control|Configuring + Access to the Gradebook#Access Control] settings determine who has access to the Gradebook.
{info}If you are not using the Gradebook, you can remove it from the navigation bar on the \[Edit Navigation Bar---Basic
Mode\|Editing the Navigation Bar in Basic Mode\] page.{info}
h6. Gradebook Traning Video
Watch the [Gradebook Training Video]
{bgcolor:#E6E6FA} Students see only the grades that have been approved by Instructors/TAs.
* (!) *The Gradebook must be configured to hide grades. By default, grades are displayed.*
* Unauthorized users will see an error message if they try to access the Gradebook.
* Graders can not configure the gradebook, approve grades or see assignments that have not been explicitly made available to them.
h4. Navigating the Gradebook {bgcolor}
* [ NavigatingGradebook the GradebookOverview]
* [ TheUsing the DashboardGradebook| NavigatingGradebook Overview#Using the Gradebook#The DashboardGradebook]
** [ TheSetting StudentsUp Page|Navigatingthe theSection Gradebook#TheFilter Students Page]
* [Assignments|Navigatingin the Gradebook|Gradebook Overview#Setting Up the Gradebook#Assignments]
* [Add Assignment|NavigatingSection Filter in the Gradebook#Add AssignmentGradebook]
* [ LetterUsing the GradesDashboard| NavigatingGradebook theOverview#The Gradebook#Letter GradesDashboard]
* [ Configure|NavigatingConfiguring the Gradebook#Configure]
* [Section Gradebook| NavigatingGradebook Overview#Configuring the Gradebook#Section Gradebook]
{bgcolor: #E6E6FAE6E6FA}
h4. Managing AssignmentsAssignment {bgcolor}
* [ ManagingAdding Assignments to the Gradebook]
** [ Add and ImportEditing Assignments|Adding Assignments |Managing Assignments#Addto andthe ImportGradebook#Edit Assignments]
* [Editing Assignments|Managing Assignments#Editing Assignments]
* [Deleting and Restoring an Assignment|Managing Assignments#Deleting and Restoring an Assignment]
{bgcolor:#E6E6FA} h4. Grading {bgcolor}
* [Grading]
* [Enter Grades|Grading#Enter Grades]
* [Approving Grades|Grading#Approving Grades]
* [Dashboard|Grading#Dashboard]
* [Enter Grades by Importing Excel and Exporting|Grading#Enter Grades by Importing Excel and Exporting]
* [Grade History|Grading#Grade History]
* [Viewing Grade Summaries|Grading#Viewing Grade Summaries]
* [Changing Grades|Grading#Changing Grades]
* [Makeup Grades|Grading#Makeup Grades]
* [Graphs|Grading#Graphs]
{bgcolor:#E6E6FA} h4. Configuring and Access to the Gradebook {bgcolor}
* [Configuring and Access to the Gradebook|Configuring + Access to the Gradebook]
* [Configure the Gradebook|Configuring + Access to the Gradebook#Configure the Gradebook]
* [Section Gradebook|Configuring + Access to the Gradebook#Section Gradebook]
* [Access Control|Configuring + Access to the Gradebook#Access Control]