The constituency last meeting of the IACHEC Heritage Working Group was held on the 14th of May, between 09:00 and 10:30am 2nd of March 2016 (11th IACHEC). The outcome of the discussion is summarised summarized in the following documents:
- Heritage Working Group Charter
- Summary of the 1st Working Group meeting at the 9th IACHEC
- List of actions
- Introduction to and summary of the 2nd Working Group meeting at the 10th IACHEC
- Introduction to and summary of the 3rd Working Group meeting at the 11th IACHEC
- Summary of the 4th Working Group meeting at the 12th IACHEC
- On the in-flight calibration plans of modern X-ray observatories A Synoptic View of In-Flight Calibration Plans (JATIS paper, draft version 0.5 accepted version, 29 December 2015)
IACHEC source database:
- Requirement document
- Current implementation (Credit: AHEAD and Dr. J. Rodi)
Library of ground-based and in-flight calibration document(still under construction):
- Chandra
- Hitomi (in-flight calibration plan)
- Kelley, R. L. et al. "The Astro-H high resolution soft x-ray spectrometer", JATIS, in press
- de Vries, C. et al. "Calibration sources and filters of the soft x-ray spectrometer instrument on the Hitomi spacecraft" , JATIS 4(1), 011204 (2017).
- Leutenegger, M. A. et al. "In-flight verification of the calibration and performance of the ASTRO-H (Hitomi) Soft X-ray Spectrometer", JATIS 4(2), 021407 (2018)
- Eckart, M. E. et al. "Ground calibration of the Astro-H (Hitomi) soft x-ray spectrometer", JATIS 4(2), 021406 (2018).
- Iizuka, R. et al. "Ground-based x-ray calibration of the Astro-H/Hitomi soft x-ray telescopes", JATIS 4(1), 011213 (2018).
- Porter, F. S. et al. "In-flight performance of the soft x-ray spectrometer detector system on Astro-H", JATIS 4(1), 011218 (2018)
- Okajima, T. et al. "First peek of ASTRO-H Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) in-orbit performance", Proc. of SPIE, 99050Z (2016)
- Kilbourne, C. A. et al. "In-flight calibration of Hitomi Soft X-ray Spectrometer (1) Background" , PASJ, Volume 70, Issue 2, 1 March 2018, 18
- Maeda, Y., et al. "In-flight calibration of the Hitomi Soft X-ray Spectrometer. (2) Point spread function", PASJ, Volume 70, Issue 2, 1 March 2018, 19
- Tsujimoto, M., et al. "In-flight calibration of Hitomi Soft X-ray Spectrometer. (3) Effective area", PASJ, Volume 70, Issue 2, 1 March 2018, 20
- Nakajima, H., et al. "In-orbit performance of the soft X-ray imaging system aboard Hitomi (ASTRO-H) ", PASJ, Volume 70, Issue 2, 1 March 2018, 21
- Tanaka, T., et al. "Soft X-ray Imager aboard Hitomi (ASTRO-H)", JATIS 4(1), 011211 (2018).
- Timing
- Terada Y., et al. "Time Assignment System and Its Performance aboard the Hitomi Satellite", JATIS 4(1), 011206, (2017)
- Integral
Brandt S., et al., “JEM–X inflight performance”, A&A 411, L243–L251 (2003)
Loffredo G., et al., “X–ray facility for the ground calibration of the X–ray monitor JEM-X on board INTEGRAL”, A&A 411, L239–L242 (2003)
Frontera, F., et al. 1997, “Ground and On-Board Calibration Design of the JEM-X Detector” Proc. of the 2nd INTEGRAL Workshop, 16-20 September 1996, St. Malo, France. Edited by C. Winkler, T. J.-L. Courvoisier, and Ph. Durouchoux, European Space Agency, 1997., p.663
Pareschi, G. et al. 1997, “Hard x-ray calibration facility design for JEM-X detector on board INTEGRAL”
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 3114
Roques, J. et al. 2003, “SPI/INTEGRAL in-flight performance”, A&A 411, L91–L100 (2003)
Schanne, S. et al 2001, “The space-borne INTEGRAL-SPI gamma ray telescope: test and calibration campaigns”, IEEE, Trans. Nucl. Sci.,p.478 - 482 vol.1
Lonjou, V. et al. 2005, "Characterization of the in-flight degradation of the INTEGRAL/SPI detectors”, Nucl. Inst. Meth. A, 554, 320–330
Schanne et al. 2003, “Calibration of the spectrometer aboard the INTEGRAL satellite”, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 4851, pp. 1132-1143 (2003)
Attie, D. et al. 2003, “Integral/SPI ground calibration”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 411(no.1); p. L71-L79
Sturner, S.J. et al. 2003, “Monte Carlo simulations and generation of the SPI response”, A&A 411, L81-L84 (2003)
Caballero, I. et al., “INTEGRAL IBIS/ISGRI energy calibration in OSA 10”, Proc.Conf “An INTEGRAL view of the high-energy sky (the first 10 years)" October 15-19, 2012, Paris, France
R. Terrier et al., “In flight calibration of the ISGRI camera”, Astron.Astrophys. 411 (2003) L167-L172
F. Lebrun, “The ISGRI CdTe gamma camera In-flight behavior”, IEEE Trans.Nucl.Sci. 52 (2005) 3119-3123 astro-ph/0411411
Malaguti, G., Di Cocco, G. & Stephen, J.B, “In-flight calibration requirements for the PICsIT high-energy imaging detector” Proc. SPIE 3765, EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy X, 42 (October 22, 1999)
Quadrini, E.M. et al.,”IBIS Veto System: Background rejection, instrument dead time and zoning performance”, A&A 411, L153-L157 (2003)
Natalucci, L. et al., “Systematic effects induced on IBIS detectors by background and inhomogeneity of the spatial response”, A&A 411, L209–L213 (2003)
- NuSTAR in-orbit calibration paper: "Calibration of the NuSTAR High-energy Focusing X-ray Telescope", K. K. Madsen et al, ApJS, 220, 8,2015
- HEASARC NuSTAR CALDB documentation
- SPIE telescope articles:
- "2021 Effective Area calibration of the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Telescope Array (NuSTAR)" Madsen, K.K. et al, (2021) JATIS in prep (arXiv paper)
- "In-flight PSF calibration of the NuSTAR hard X-ray optics", H. An et al, 9144, 1, 2014
- "NuSTAR on-ground calibration: I. Imaging quality", N. J. Westergaard, 8443, 2012
- "NuSTAR on-ground calibration: II. Effective area", N. Brejnholt et al, 8443, 2012
- "Coatings for the NuSTAR mission", F. Christensen et al, 8147, 2011
- "NuSTAR ground calibration: The Rainwater Memorial Calibration Facility (RaMCaF)", N. Brejnholt et al2011, 8147, 2011
- "First results from the ground calibration of the NuSTAR flight optics", J. Koglin, 8147, 2011
- "Fabrication of the NuSTAR flight optics", W. Craig et al, 8147, 2011
- "Optimizations of Pt/SiC and W/Si multilayers for the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array", K. K. Madsen et al, 7437, 16, 2009
- "Evaluation of epoxy for use on NuSTAR optics", H. An et al, 7437, 2009
- "NuSTAR hard X-ray optics design and performance", J. E. Koglin et al, 7437, 2009
- "Manufacture of Mirror Glass Substrates for the NuSTAR Mission", W. Zhang et al, 7437, 2009
- "W/SiC and Pt/SiC multilayers for the NuSTAR hard X-ray telescope", C. P. Jensen et al, 5900, 2005
- SPIE detector articles:
- "Inflight performance and calibration of the NuSTAR CdZnTe pixel detectors", T. Kitaguchi et al, 9144, 2014
- "Spectral calibration and modeling of the NuSTAR CdZnTe pixel detectors", T. Kitaguchi et al, 8145, 2011
- "Development of focal plane detectors for the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) mission", V. Rana et al, 7435, 2009
- SPIE operations articles:
- SPIE mast articles:
- Suzaku (list of suzaku memo)
- Koyama et al. "X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer (XIS) on Board Suzaku", PASJ, 2007, 59, S23
Yamada, S. et al. "Data-Oriented Diagnostics of Pileup Effects on the Suzaku XIS", PASJ, 2012, 64, 53
- Kouzu, T., et al., "Spectral Variation of the Hard X-ray Emission from the Crab Nebula with the Suzaku Hard X-ray Detector", PASJ 65 74 (2013)
- Yamada, S., et al. "The calibration improvement on GSO scintillators in the Suzaku Hard X-ray Detector" PASJ 63, S645-S656 (2011)
- Fukazawa, Y., et al., "Modeling and Reproducibility of Suzaku HXD PIN/GSO Background", PASJ 61 S17-S34 (2009)
- Terada, Y., et al., "In Orbit Timing Calibration of the Hard X-Ray Detector on Board Suzaku",PASJ 60, S25-S34 (2008)
- Kokubun, M., et al., "In-Orbit Performance of the Hard X-ray Detector on Board Suzaku", PASJ 59, S53–S76 (2007)
- Fukazawa, Y., et al., "Inflight calibration and performance of the Hard X-ray Detector (HXD) onboard Suzaku", Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 6266, pp.75-86 (2006)
- Terada, Y., et al., "Development of a Monte Carlo Simulator for the Astro-E2 Hard X-ray Detector (HXD-II)", IEEE TNS Vol. 52, Issue 4, pp. 902-909 (2005)
- Yamaoka, K., et al., "Design and In-Orbit Performance of the Suzaku Wide-Band All-Sky Monitor", PASJ 61, ppS35-S53 (2009)
- Yamaoka, K., et al., "In-orbit performance of the Suzaku wide-band all-sky monitor", Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 6266, pp. 626643-1-626643-12 (2006)
- Ohno, M., et al., "Preflight Calibration and Performance of the Astro-E2/HXD-II Wide-Band All-Sky Monitor", IEEE TNS Vol. 52, Issue 6, Part 2, pp. 2758-2764 (2005)
- Swift (in-flight calibration plan)
- Resolve (formally SXS)
- Xtend (formally SXI)
- XMM-Newton: