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// WAYF localized language strings
// Make sure to use entities instead of plain UTF-8 characters for non
// ASCII characters if you are using the Embedded WAYF. It could be that the
// Embedded WAYF is used on non-UTF8 pages, which then could cause encoding issues
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// English, default
$langStrings['en']['lang_name'] = 'English';
$langStrings['en']['title'] = 'Account Provider Selection';
$langStrings['en']['header'] = 'Please choose your account provider';
$langStrings['en']['about_aai'] = 'About AAI';
$langStrings['en']['about_switch'] = 'About SWITCH';
$langStrings['en']['faq'] = 'FAQ';
$langStrings['en']['help'] = 'Help';
$langStrings['en']['privacy'] = 'Privacy';
$langStrings['en']['make_selection'] = 'You must select a valid Home Organisation.';
$langStrings['en']['settings'] = 'Permanent account provider for this web browser';
$langStrings['en']['permanent_select_header'] = 'Permanently set your account provider';
$langStrings['en']['permanent_cookie'] = 'You can <strong>permanently</strong> set the account provider for this web browser. Doing so will result in your being redirected automatically to this account provider when you access protected resources.  <strong>Do not save this setting if you use multiple account providers</strong>.';
$langStrings['en']['permanent_cookie_notice'] = 'Your account provider is currently set to:';
$langStrings['en']['permanent_cookie_note'] = 'You can reset the permanent setting by going to: https://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$langStrings['en']['delete_permanent_cookie_button'] = 'Reset';
$langStrings['en']['goto_sp'] = 'Save and continue';
$langStrings['en']['permanently_remember_selection'] = 'Remember selection permanently, skip this page from now on.';
$langStrings['en']['confirm_permanent_selection'] = 'Are you sure that you want to set the selected entry as your permanent account provider?  Do not do this if you use multiple account providers.';
$langStrings['en']['save_button'] = 'Save';
$langStrings['en']['access_target'] = 'In order to access the Resource <tt>\'<a href="%s">%s</a>\'</tt> you must authenticate yourself.';
$langStrings['en']['access_host'] = 'In order to access a Resource on host <tt>\'%s\'</tt> you must authenticate yourself.';
$langStrings['en']['select_idp'] = 'Select the Home Organisation you are affiliated with';
$langStrings['en']['remember_selection'] = 'Remember selection for this session.';
$langStrings['en']['switch_description'] = 'The <a href="" target="_blank">SWITCH</a> Foundation operates the Swiss Education &amp; Research Network which guarantees high-speed connectivity to the Internet and to science networks globally for the benefit of higher education in Switzerland.';
$langStrings['en']['invalid_user_idp'] = 'There may be an error in the data you just submitted.<br>The value of your input <tt>\'%s\'</tt> is invalid.<br>Only the following values are allowed:';
$langStrings['en']['contact_assistance'] = 'Please contact <a href=""></a> for assistance.';
$langStrings['en']['no_arguments'] = 'No arguments received!';
$langStrings['en']['arguments_missing'] = 'The web server received an invalid query because there are some arguments missing<br>The following arguments were received:';
$langStrings['en']['valid_request_description'] = 'A valid request needs at least the arguments <tt>shire</tt> and <tt>target</tt> with valid values. Optionally the arguments <tt>providerID</tt>, <tt>origin</tt> and <tt>redirect</tt> can be supplied to automtically redirect the web browser to a Home Organisation and to do that automatically for the current web browser session';
$langStrings['en']['valid_saml2_request_description'] = 'A valid SAML2 request needs at least the arguments <tt>entityID</tt> and <tt>return</tt> with valid values. Optionally the arguments <tt>isPassive</tt>, <tt>policy</tt> and <tt>returnIDParam</tt> can be supplied to automtically redirect the web browser to a Home Organisation and to do that automatically for the current web browser session';
$langStrings['en']['invalid_query'] = 'Error: Invalid Query';
$langStrings['en']['select_button'] = 'Select';
$langStrings['en']['continue_button'] = 'Continue';
$langStrings['en']['login'] = 'Login';
$langStrings['en']['login_with'] = 'Login with:';
$langStrings['en']['other_federation'] = 'From other federations';
$langStrings['en']['logged_in'] = 'You are already authenticated.';
$langStrings['en']['provider_help'] = 'What is my account provider?';
// Added for iPhone.
$langStrings['en']['iphone_remember_selection'] = 'Remember selection.';
$langStrings['en']['iphone_permanent_cookie'] = 'You can <strong>permanently</strong> set the account provider. <strong>Do not continue if you use multiple account providers</strong>.';
$langStrings['en']['iphone_confirm_permanent_selection'] = 'Do you really want to set the selected entry as your account provider?  Cancel if you use multiple account providers.';

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// Deutsch
$langStrings['de']['lang_name'] = 'Deutsch';
$langStrings['de']['title'] = 'Auswahl der Annahme Anbieter';
$langStrings['de']['header'] = 'Annahme Anbieter ausw&auml;hlen';
$langStrings['de']['about_aai'] = '&Uuml;ber AAI';
$langStrings['de']['about_switch'] = '&Uuml;ber SWITCH';
$langStrings['de']['faq'] = 'FAQ';
$langStrings['de']['help'] = 'Hilfe';
$langStrings['de']['privacy'] = 'Datenschutz';
$langStrings['de']['make_selection'] = 'Sie m&uuml;ssen eine g&uuml;ltige Home Organisation ausw&auml;hlen';
$langStrings['de']['settings'] = 'Standard Annahme Anbieter f&uuml;r diesen Webbrowser';
$langStrings['de']['permanent_select_header'] = 'Annahme Anbieter speichern';
$langStrings['de']['permanent_cookie'] = 'Sie können auf <strong> Dauer die Annahme Anbieter</strong> f&uuml;r diesen Web-Browser. Damit wird in Ihrem umgeleitet werden automatisch auf dieses Annahme Anbieter, wenn Sie auf geschützte Ressourcen. <strong>Nicht speichern Sie diese Einstellung, wenn Sie mehrere Annahme Anbieter.</strong>';
$langStrings['de']['permanent_cookie_notice'] = 'Ihr Annahme Anbieter ist, derzeit auf:';
$langStrings['de']['permanent_cookie_note'] = 'Sie können die Annahme Anbieter Einstellung zurücksetzen auf der Seite: https://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$langStrings['de']['delete_permanent_cookie_button'] = 'Zur&uuml;cksetzen';
$langStrings['de']['goto_sp'] = 'Speichern und weiter zur Annahme Anbieter';
$langStrings['de']['permanently_remember_selection'] = 'Auswahl permanent speichern und diesen Schritt von jetzt an umgehen.';
$langStrings['de']['confirm_permanent_selection'] = 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Auswahl als Annahme Anbieter Einstellung speichern wollen? Dies nicht tun, wenn Sie mehrere Annahme Anbieter.';
$langStrings['de']['save_button'] = 'Speichern';
$langStrings['de']['access_target'] = 'Eine g&uuml;ltige Benutzerauthentifizierung ist n&ouml;tig um auf die Resource <tt>\'<a href="%s">%s</a>\'</tt> zuzugreifen.';
$langStrings['de']['access_host'] = 'Um auf Resourcen auf dem Rechner <tt>\'%s\'</tt> zuzugreifen, ist eine g&uuml;ltige Benutzerauthentifizierung n&ouml;tig.';
$langStrings['de']['select_idp'] = 'W&auml;hlen Sie Ihre Home Organisation';
$langStrings['de']['remember_selection'] = 'Auswahl f&uuml;r die laufende Webbrowser Sitzung speichern.';
$langStrings['de']['switch_description'] = 'Die <a href="" target="_blank">Stiftung SWITCH</a> betreibt neben anderen Dienstleistungen das Schweizer Bildungs- &amp; Forschungsnetzwerk, welches allen h&ouml;heren Ausbildungseinrichtungen Hochgeschwindigkeitsanschl&uuml;sse ans Internet und an andere globale Wissenschaftsnetze zur Verf&uuml;gung stellt.';
$langStrings['de']['invalid_user_idp'] = 'M&ouml;glicherweise sind die &uuml;bermittelten Daten fehlerhaft.<br>Der Wert der Eingabe <tt>\'%s\'</tt> ist ung&uuml;ltig.<br>Es sind ausschliesslich die folgenden Wert erlaubt:';
$langStrings['de']['contact_assistance'] = 'F&uuml;r Unterst&uuml;tzung und Hilfe, kontaktieren Sie bitte <a href=""></a>.';
$langStrings['de']['no_arguments'] = 'Keine Argumente erhalten!';
$langStrings['de']['arguments_missing'] = 'Der Webserver hat eine fehlerhafte Anfrage erhalten da einige Argumente in der Anfrage fehlen.<br>Folgende Argumente wurden empfangen:';
$langStrings['de']['valid_request_description'] = 'Eine g&uuml;ltige Anfrage muss mindestens die Argumente <tt>shire</tt> und <tt>target</tt> enthalten. Zus&auml;tzlich k&ouml;nnen die Argumente <tt>providerID</tt>, <tt>origin</tt> und <tt>redirect</tt> benutzt werden um den Webbrowser automatisch an die Home Organisation weiter zu leiten und um sich die ausgew&auml;hlte Home Organisation f&uuml;r l&auml;ngere Zeit zu merken.';
$langStrings['de']['valid_saml2_request_description'] = 'Eine g&uuml;ltige Anfrage muss mindestens die Argumente <tt>entityID</tt> und <tt>return</tt> enthalten. Zus&auml;tzlich k&ouml;nnen die Argumente <tt>isPassive</tt>, <tt>policy</tt> und <tt>returnIDParam</tt> benutzt werden um den Webbrowser automatisch an die Home Organisation weiter zu leiten und um sich die ausgew&auml;hlte Home Organisation f&uuml;r l&auml;ngere Zeit zu merken.';
$langStrings['de']['invalid_query'] = 'Error: Fehlerhafte Anfrage';
$langStrings['de']['select_button'] = 'Ausw&auml;hlen';
$langStrings['de']['continue_button'] = 'Auswählen';
$langStrings['de']['login'] = 'Anmelden';
$langStrings['de']['login_with'] = 'Anmelden &uuml;ber:';
$langStrings['de']['other_federation'] = 'Von anderen F&ouml;derationen';
$langStrings['de']['logged_in'] = 'Sie sind bereits angemeldet.';
$langStrings['de']['provider_help'] = 'Was ist ein Annahme Anbieter?';
// Added for iPhone.
$langStrings['de']['iphone_remember_selection'] = 'RememberAuswahl selectionspeichern.';
$langStrings['de']['iphone_permanent_cookie'] = 'Sie k&ouml;nnen diese Annahme Anbieter st&auml;ndig speichern (unratsam, wenn sie mehrere Annahme Anbieter benutzen).';
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You can <strong>permanently</strong> set the account provider. <strong>Do not continue if you use multiple account providers</strong>.';
$langStrings['de']['iphone_confirm_permanent_selection'] = 'Do you really want to set the selected entry as your account provider?  Cancel if you use multiple account providers.';

// Italian
$langStrings['it']['lang_name'] = 'Italiano';
$langStrings['it']['title'] = 'Selezione della vostra Account Provider';
$langStrings['it']['header'] = 'Selezioni la sua Account Provider';
$langStrings['it']['about_aai'] = 'Informazioni su AAI';
$langStrings['it']['about_switch'] = 'Informazioni su SWITCH';
$langStrings['it']['faq'] = 'FAQ';
$langStrings['it']['help'] = 'Aiuto';
$langStrings['it']['privacy'] = 'Protezione dei dati';
$langStrings['it']['make_selection'] = 'Per favore, scelga una valida Account Provider.';
$langStrings['it']['settings'] = 'Account Provider predefinita per questo Web Browser.';
$langStrings['it']['permanent_select_header'] = 'Salvare la Account Provider.';
$langStrings['it']['permanent_cookie'] = 'È possibile impostare in modo permanente il <strong>Account Provider</strong> per questo browser. Questo sarà il risultato nel vostro essere automaticamente reindirizzati a questo Account Provider quando si accede a risorse protette. <strong>Non salvare questa impostazione se si utilizza più di un Account Provider</strong>.';
$langStrings['it']['permanent_cookie_notice'] = 'Il tuo Account Provider è attualmente fissato a:';
$langStrings['it']['permanent_cookie_note'] = 'Pu&ograve; cambiare la sua impostazione predefinita sulla pagina: https://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$langStrings['it']['delete_permanent_cookie_button'] = 'Cancella';
$langStrings['it']['goto_sp'] = 'Salvare e proseguire verso la Account Provider';
$langStrings['it']['permanently_remember_selection'] = 'Salvare la scelta permanentemente e non passare più per la pagina.';
$langStrings['it']['confirm_permanent_selection'] = 'E\'Sei sicuro diche si volerdesidera impostare la Homevoce Horganization selezionata come suaprovider Homedi Horganizationaccount predefinitapermanente? Non &egrave; da impostarefarlo se usasi regolarmenteutilizzano diversipiù account AAIprovider.';
$langStrings['it']['save_button'] = 'Salva';
$langStrings['it']['access_target'] = '&Egrave; necessario autenticarsi per poter accedere alla risorsa <tt>\'<a href="%s">%s</a>\'<tt>.';
$langStrings['it']['access_host'] = '&Egrave; necessario autenticarsi per poter accedere alla risorsa sull\' host <tt>\'%s\'</tt>.';
$langStrings['it']['select_idp'] = 'Selezioni la Home Organisation con la quale &egrave; affiliato.';
$langStrings['it']['remember_selection'] = 'Ricorda la selezione per questa sessione.';
$langStrings['it']['switch_description'] = 'La fondazione <a href="" target="_blank">SWITCH</a> opera all\'interno della rete per l\'insegnamento e la ricerca Svizzera. Essa garantisce un collegamento ad alta velocit&agrave; verso Internet e verso le reti scientifiche mondiali a beneficio dell\'educazione superiore in Svizzera.';
$langStrings['it']['invalid_user_idp'] = 'Errore nei parametri pervenuti.<br>Il valore del parametro <tt>\'%s\'</tt> non &#143; valido.<br>Solo i seguenti valori sono ammessi:';
$langStrings['it']['contact_assistance'] = 'Se l\' errore persiste, si prega di contattare <a href=""></a>.';
$langStrings['it']['no_arguments'] = 'Parametri non pervenuti!';
$langStrings['it']['arguments_missing'] = 'La richiesta non &egrave; valida per la mancanza di alcuni parametri. <br>I seguenti parametri sono stati ricevuti:';
$langStrings['it']['valid_request_description'] = 'Una richiesta valida &egrave; deve contenere almeno i parametri <tt>shire</tt> e <tt>target</tt>. I parametri opzionali <tt>providerID</tt>, <tt>origin</tt> e <tt>redirect</tt> possono essere utilizzati per ridirigere automaticamente il browser web verso una Home Organisation.';
$langStrings['it']['valid_saml2_request_description'] = 'Una richiesta valida &egrave; deve contenere almeno i parametri <tt>entityID</tt> e <tt>return</tt>. I parametri opzionali <tt>isPassive</tt>, <tt>policy</tt> e <tt>returnIDParam</tt> possono essere utilizzati per ridirigere automaticamente il browser web verso una Home Organisation.';
$langStrings['it']['invalid_query'] = 'Errore: Richiesta non Valida';
$langStrings['it']['select_button'] = 'Seleziona';
$langStrings['it']['continue_button'] = 'Seleziona';
$langStrings['it']['login'] = 'Login';
$langStrings['it']['login_with'] = 'Login con:';
$langStrings['it']['other_federation'] = 'Di altra federaziones';
$langStrings['it']['logged_in'] = 'Lei &egrave; gi&agrave; autenticato.';
$langStrings['it']['provider_help'] = 'Qual è il mio Account Provider?';
// Added for iPhone.
$langStrings['it']['iphone_remember_selection'] = 'Remember selection.';
$langStrings['it']['iphone_permanent_cookie'] = 'You can <strong>permanently</strong> set the account provider. <strong>Do not continue if you use multiple account providers</strong>// Added for iPhone.
$langStrings['it']['iphone_remember_selection'] = 'Ricorda di selezione.';
$langStrings['it']['iphone_confirm_permanent_selectioncookie'] = 'DoÈ youpossibile reallyimpostare wantin tomodo set the selected entry as your <strong>permanente</strong> il  account provider?. <strong>Fare non Cancelcontinuare ifse youtu useuso multiplemultiplo account providersproviders</strong>.';
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$langStrings['zh']['lang_name'] = '中文';
$langStrings['zh']['title'] = '账号提供者选项';
$langStrings['zh']['header'] = '请选择你的账号提供者';
$langStrings['zh']['about_aai'] = '关于 AAI';
$langStrings['zh']['about_switch'] = '关于 SWITCH';
$langStrings['zh']['faq'] = '常见问题';
$langStrings['zh']['help'] = '帮助';
$langStrings['zh']['privacy'] = '隐私权';
$langStrings['zh']['make_selection'] = '你必须选择一个机构.';
$langStrings['zh']['settings'] = '这个浏览器设定的永久账号提供者';
$langStrings['zh']['permanent_select_header'] = '永久设定你的账号提供者';
$langStrings['zh']['permanent_cookie'] = '你可以在这个浏览器里永久设定你的账号提供者。 将来你访问被保护资源的时候会被自动转到这个账号提供者。 如果你使用多个账号提供者, 请不要保存这个选项';
$langStrings['zh']['permanent_cookie_notice'] = '你的账号提供者现设为:';
$langStrings['zh']['permanent_cookie_note'] = '如需重新设定请使用: https://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$langStrings['zh']['delete_permanent_cookie_button'] = '重设';
$langStrings['zh']['goto_sp'] = '保存并使用你的账号提供者';
$langStrings['zh']['permanently_remember_selection'] = '永久记住选项,今后跳过此页';
$langStrings['zh']['confirm_permanent_selection'] = '确定要设定这个选项作为你的永久账号提供者吗? 如果你使用多个账号提供者, 请不要这么做。';
$langStrings['zh']['save_button'] = '保存';
$langStrings['zh']['access_target'] = '如果你要访问这个资源<tt>\'<a href="%s" >%s</a>\'</tt> 必须认证身份.';
$langStrings['zh']['access_host'] = '如果要访问<tt>\'%s\'</tt>机器上的资源,你必须认证身份';
$langStrings['zh']['select_idp'] = '请选择你的所属机构';
$langStrings['zh']['remember_selection'] = '记住本次会话的选项';
$langStrings['zh']['switch_description'] = 'The <a href="" target="_blank">SWITCH</a> Foundation operates the Swiss Education &amp; Research Network which guarantees high-speed connectivity to the Internet and to science networks globally for the benefit of higher education in Switzerland.';
$langStrings['zh']['invalid_user_idp'] = '你刚刚提供的数据可能有错误.<br>你输入的数据 <tt>\'%s\'</tt> 不被允许.<br>只有下列数据是被允许的:';
$langStrings['zh']['contact_assistance'] = '如需帮助请联系 <a href="" ></a>.';
$langStrings['zh']['no_arguments'] = '未提供参数\!';
$langStrings['zh']['arguments_missing'] = '服务器接受到了一个错误查询因为某些参数没有被提供<br>下列是接受到的参数:';
$langStrings['zh']['valid_request_description'] = '正确的要求至少需要提供参数 <tt>shire</tt>&nbsp;和 <tt>target</tt> with valid values.&nbsp;另外可以提供可选参数 <tt>providerID</tt>, <tt>origin</tt>&nbsp;和<tt>redirect</tt> 使浏览器在本次session里自动转到所属机构';
$langStrings['zh']['valid_saml2_request_description'] = '正确的SAML2&nbsp;要求至少需要提供&nbsp;<tt>entityID</tt> 和 <tt>return</tt> 参数.&nbsp;还可以提供可选参数 <tt>isPassive</tt>, <tt>policy</tt> and<tt>returnIDParam</tt> 用以使浏览器在本次会话里自动转到所属机构';
$langStrings['zh']['invalid_query'] = '错误: 错误要求';
$langStrings['zh']['select_button'] = '选择';
$langStrings['zh']['continue_button'] = '继续';
$langStrings['zh']['login'] = '登陆';
$langStrings['zh']['login_with'] = '登陆方式';
$langStrings['zh']['other_federation'] = 'From other\\\' federations';
$langStrings['zh']['logged_in'] = '你已经认证身份';
$langStrings['zh']['provider_help'] = '什么是你的账号提供者?';
// Added for iPhone.
$langStrings['zh']['iphone_remember_selection'] = 'Remember selection.记住选项';
$langStrings['zh']['iphone_permanent_cookie'] =  'You can <strong>permanently</strong> set the account provider. <strong>Do not continue if you use multiple account providers</strong>.';
$langStrings['zh']['iphone_confirm_permanent_selection'] = '你确定要把选定项目设定为你的账号提供者吗? 如果你使用多个账号提供者, 请取消.';
你可以<strong>永久</strong>设定你的账号提供者。 如果你使用多个账号提供者, 请不要继续'; 
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