OCP Director Review Cloak |
- The OCP Director reads the comments and reviews the process fields. OCP Director has the option to Submit or Revise.
- If Submit is chosen the next step is Initiator Awards Bid.
- If Revise is chosen the next step is Initiator Revise Recommendation.
| M&U Director Review Rec Cloak |
- The M&U Director reads the comments and reviews the process fields and has the option to Submit or Revise
- If Submit is chosen the next step is Initiator Awards Bid
- If Revise is chosen the next step is Initiator Revise Recommendation.
| Campus Services? Cloak |
- Multiple fields are evaluated to determine if this is an Campus Services program?
- If True (Yes) the next step is CS Director Review.
- If False (No) the next step is IBO Director Review.
| CS Director Review Cloak |
- The Campus Services Director reads the comments and reviews the process fields. The CC Director has the option to Submit or Revise.
- If Submit is chosen the next step is Initiator Awards Bid.
- If Revise is chosen the next step is Initiator Revise.
| IBO Director Review Cloak |
- The IBO Director reads the comments and reviews the process fields. The IBO Director has the option to Submit or Revise.
- If Submit is chosen the next step is Initiator Awards Bid.
- If Revise is chosen the next step is Initiator Revise.
| Initiator Award Bid Cloak |
- The Initiator reviews the process and awards the bid using the e-Builder Bidding module. The final action when the bid is awarded is to return to the process and take the Submit Action.
- The next step is Vendor Manager Checks Company Info.
Pre-Priced 3? Cloak |
- This conditional determines if this process contains a Pre-priced agreement.
- If True the process moves to Finish.
- If False the process moves to Vendor Manager Checks Company Info
Vendor Mgr Checks Company Info Cloak |
- The Vendor Managerchecks and fills out form fields to ensure that:
- The awarded bidder exists in SAP
- The company information is correct and current in the Contacts module.
- If the company is not in SAP that the New Company process has been started.
- When finished the Vendor Manager takes the Submit action.
- The next step is Vendor Exists in SAP?
Vendor Exists in SAP? Cloak |
- This step routes the process to the Finish step if the Vendor exists in SAP.
- If the Vendor does not exist in SAP the next step is AA Adds New Company.
AA Adds New Company Cloak |
- If the company does not exist in SAP the AA completes the 01.01 Add New Company/Contact process and holds the process in this step until that has been completed.
- When completed the AA takes the Vendor Added action.
- The next step is Vendor Manager Checks Company Info.
Hold for SAP Vendor # Cloak |
- In this step the Administrative Assistant waits until the Vendor has been assigned a SAP Vendor Number from VPF.
- If the Submit action is taken the next step is Finish.
- If the Revise action is taken the next step is AA Adds New Company.
| Finish |