Remember: delegate! You don't have to manage every aspect of every one of these events yourself. Think of yourself as more of a mini-Producer/Pub Man.
Get in touch with the counselors for the Freshman Arts Program FPOP—running a workshop for the program is a great opportunity to publicize the Ensemble!
During REX and CPW, you can use a spreadsheet like this one so that others can sign up to help out at non-performance events. Be sure to send this out a couple of weeks in advance and bump it consistently; also, keep in mind that people who initially signed up may have to drop out, as both REX and CPW can be quite busy for some folks.
The OAL keeps track of members and makes them feel loved. Get to know the members and Dartes, encourage folks to host social events, and even host some yourself!
Make sure members are fulfilling their requirements. Read the constitution so you know what the requirements are! If membership requirements are not being fulfilled, let the other officers know.