Versions Compared


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The last simulation before flight predicted an apogee of 31600', which proved to be very similar to the true performance of the rocket. At 2.5% error, it seems our RAS Aero model is accurate enough to predict future flights of similar rockets.


comparable rockets. After the flight all of the data was plotted. The results are shown below. A discussion of the pre-flight vehicle descent velocity mis-estimation is in the recovery section. The University of Victoria payload altimeter cut out during vehicle descent. The cause of this failure is unknown.

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See the Hermes I Payload Analysis page



Thrust Curve

See the motor data page.


Future efforts could faster-burning igniters (pyrogen or BKNO3), higher surface area propellants (pixie dust), or additional mechanical retention. While chuffing represents a minor issue on this flight, successful, rapid, and complete ignition is a necessary technical milestone for multistage flight. Care must still be taken to not over-pressurize the case or clog the nozzle with a large igniter.


Piston Deployment

Firing Force
Comparison with Ground Test

Parachute Drag Coefficients (Effective) and Velocities

It is not possible to do perfect analysis of the Parachute Drag coefficients because we cannot back out the drag on the mission package and booster sections. However, we can determine the effective coefficients (including the drag on these bodies).


We trimmed the data so that it didn't include opening shock loads or main opening. We then performed analysis at two different altitudes (~7k m, ?, and ?) in order to see the difference between different altitudes.

7k-8k meters

After parsing the data between 7000 and 8000 meters and eliminating outliers, this is a scatter plot of velocity vs. altitude. Velocity was determined using backwards differentiation on a centered-moving average of 201 data points of height and time.

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A normal probability plot of the velocities shows that the distribution of mission package velocity under drogue at this altitude range was approximately gaussian (similar results were shown, but not included here, for velocity squared, which is proportional to drag):

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Parachute Shock Loads


The Telemetrum switches the state to "main" at 298.22 seconds. Shown by the red line in the graph below, this indicates that the Raven fired the Tender Descenders first. Also shown by this graph is that main opening appears to take approximately seconds and be an approximately constant opening force (main opening is shown approximately by the dashed vertical green lines).

This is not exactly what I would expect–I would expect that as the canopy changes shape during the filling process, the opening force changes somewhat.

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As you can see here, main opening took approximately 11 seconds. We can compare this with a theoretical estimate derived from the following formula (from NASA TM X-1786):

LaTeX Math Block
anchorInflation Time
\frac{t_{f}}{D_{o}} = \frac{0.65\lambda_{g}}{V}
LaTeX Math Block
anchorInflation Time
t_{f} = \frac{0.65\lambda_{g}}{V}D_{o}

To determine the shock force, we need to know the upwards acceleration applied by the parachute during opening (subtracting off the effect of gravity). Then we can calculate the opening shock factor using the opening shock force formula.


The Telemetrum was configured as the primary altimeter, and the Raven was configured to fire 2 seconds after the Telemetrum for drogue, and 500 ft lower for the main. This was seen reflected in the post flight data.

Parachute Drag Coefficients

The drag coefficients of the parachutes were calculated–drogue was calculated using data between 7k and 8k meters, while main was calculated at landing. These drag coefficients are effective for the flight, they also factor in the drag on the mission package as well as interactions with the fin can.

Drogue Effective CD between 7k m and 8k m: 0.48

Main Effective CD at landing: 1.33

The expected drogue Cd was .36. With a correction for the drag of the body, it was expected to be between .36 and .40. This error is probably due to a conservative body correction or a poorly characterized fabric porosity.

Knake gives hemesphericals a Cd of about 1. It seems that both the main and the drogue Cd are 33% high. It is possible that the glide ratio is .33.

E-match voltage anomaly

Post flight data review notes abnormal voltage readings on Telemetrum apogee channel. Despite commanding an apogee event, the Telemetrum continued reading 4.2V across the channel for the remainder of flight. The e-match should register a significant increase in resistance within 10 mS of exceeding it's no-fire current


of 300 mA. This suggests that the initiator misfired.  A fishbone analysis was conducted to classify the nature of the issue. Evidence collection is ongoing, however it appear probable that the Telemetrum e-match is internally shorted, either autogenously or to the piston.

We checked continuity post-flight and neither e-match had continuity. This


is not a conclusive test because the wires could have been jostled during landing or travel, however this suggests that the e-match was not internally shorted to the piston.

In the future, component level testing should include resistance checks of the e-matches before and after firing. A design revision of the firebolts should also include insulation as a design requirement.




Flight Cameras

The initial design for the Hermes avionics bay supported 4 cameras, 3 radial facing, and one downward facing. Due to integration time constraints, only two radial cameras were integrated. Due to a configuration error, the cameras took a picture when powered on. The cameras were Hawkeye Firefly Q6 cameras recording in 4K at 24 fps. It is recommended that successful video capture is considered part of a successful ground test. The cameras were also not configured with the correct time stamp. The value of the time stamp as an engineering reference should be weighed against it's 'tackiness'.

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Ground Cameras

The ground cameras were laid out as shown.

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Hero 6 Black

Charlie's. Failed to Record - heatstroke
2GoPro Hero 4Andrew R's. Good Video
3GoPro Hero 4 SessionCharlie's. Fell Over prior to launch
4GoPro Hero 5 SessionMaddie G's. Good Video
5GoPro Hero5Sam's. Good Video
6Dayna's Cellphone 
7Ellen's Cellphone 
8Sam's CellphoneHighspeed Footage. Tracked to cloud ceiling
9Cannon EOS T6Ender Kerr. Stills on Burst. Beautiful.

The high rate of failure of ground cameras suggests that we should put additional effort into our ground camera array. Doug's Rail has provided invaluable footage in the past.



Integration began at roughly 1:30 pm PST and the rocket arrived on the pad at roughly 3:00 pm PST.
