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23–29 July 2017

Arecibo Observatory

Image Added


Important references


Phil's pictures (external gallery link)

Anja's pictures

Phil Perillat movie of plasma line data during all student experiments:  .mov version   .avi version




-Summer school staff will be at the observatory to answer questions 


08:30 Ionosphere – radar data example discussion (Mike Sulzer, Eliana Nossa, and Christiano Brum)

08:45  Radar 2: Radar Signal Processing (Josh Semeter)

09:30 ISR Theory 2 (Phil Erickson)


13:00 Arecibo experiment design and data analysis (Anja Stromme and Strømme and Mike Sulzer)

13:45 Support from non-Arecibo ISRs during experiment (Phil Erickson, Mary McCready, Roger Varney) 


15:00 Global ISR Measurements (Anja StroomeStrømme)

15:30 Radar 2: More Radar Signal Processing (Josh Semeter)

16:00 Break

16:15 Data analysis and fitting 1 (Roger Varney)

17:45 Retrieve radar data and start to work on group assignments (coffee available for break)


18:30 Group 3 experiment observation begins

19:00 Dinner


1900:30 00 Group 4 1 experiment observation begins

2002:45 00 Group 5 experiment observation begins23

04:00 Group 1 2 and 4 experiment observation begins



; Group 2 observes in control room

05:30 Group 4 observes in control room

07:00 Group 3 05:00 Group 2 experiment observation begins

07:30 Breakfast

08:30 Data 30 Data analysis and fitting 2 (Phil Erickson) 

09:00 Phased arrays (Roger Varney)

09:45 Arecibo Science (Christiano Brum)


13:30 Work on assignments and presentations (coffee available for break)

19:00 Dinner

21:30 Optics Tour (meet in cafeteria parking lot)



07:30 Breakfast

08:00 Student presentations (3x30 min)
