Note: this section was prepared for the old qualifying exam system. It is not relevant anymore as the new qualifying exam does not include a written portion anymore. But we put into effort developing this page so I am not quite ready to delete it entirely yet.... maybe just another year and I will be ready!
A number of graduate students who took the qual Feb 1 2013 agreed to share their experience and tips for preparing for the exams.
Also, for the oral exam, no matter what they ask you, and no matter what you think about how you are doing remain confident. Imagine you are giving a talk at a conference. You wouldn't be there if you hadn't earned your place. Prepare, give it your honest best, and don't worry about it.
- Becky Romatoski
- Mareena Robinson
- Lulu Li
- David Allan Bloore
- John Hanson
- Pun Dumnernchanvanit Ittinop