- We chose not to reverse the order of items in the list. The suggestion was made because the "add" button and the most recent entries disappeared from view when adding multiple entries. We remedied the problem by automatically scrolling to the end of the list to keep the add button and most recent items on screen by default.
- We chose not to add individual delete buttons to photos in the edit mode. Doing this would be more consistent with iOS, but not with our target platform (Android).
- We chose not to allow the user to share multiple entries simultaneously. The only good example of this functionality is Google's Gmail app, and we felt that their use of check boxes are more annoying than useful. We kept the view simple.
We have two main "Activities" in our code implementation. One is "JournalMapActivity", which corresponds to the journal/timeline screen. It is in charge of presenting the map, recalculating the arrow positions, and plotting the star markers. It also keeps track of the scrollable list of entries.