This page is dedicated to identification and analysis of specific policy problems in China.
- 贾西津. 中国NGO的现状、问题与前景 (讲座笔记), 2007/11
- 清华大学NGO研究所主页
- 第一财经周刊. NGO组织困境, 2010/10
Cuicui comments:
This article claims that contrary to the traditional narrative that RMB is undervalued, reducing job opportunities in US, in reality RMB is appreciating because manufacturing jobs are losing in China and increasing in number in both US and other developing economics such as Brazil and Turkey. However, in my point of view, the article has several flaws: 1) The author only looked at the job reports for 2009 and 2010, which may not be conclusive; 2) The author seems to attribute the loss of manufacturing jobs only to exchange rate, ignoring other factors such as the fact that China is restructuring its economy.
- MIT News. Explained: currency wars---Countries are clashing over their currency prices. Why? 2010/11/15
- 关于汇率的基本知识,转自校内,作者不详, 2010/11
- Tranditional vs. Value-added method to measure trade deficit
- A Review of US Trade Deficit
Foreign Relations