Metrics by AreaThese sections organize the important measures and metrics identified by managers and team leaders during the Fy2010 metrics refresh process. They provide a persistent view of more metrics than can fit into the quarterly reports, and can be updated and expanded at will by the owners of the data. - Service Desk -- Call Center, Repair Center, VSLS, Telephony
- Departmental Services -- DDM, MDS, DS-Plus, DCAD
- Application User eXperience -- Training, Documentation, Accessibility, Usability
- Faculty and Student eXperience -- Athena, Printing
- IT Security Services -- DMCA, Net-Security, StopIT
Public Facing Measures IS&T publishes to the world a selected set of measures at The page shows the current values for key measures, with a time series of quarterly observations going back several years. Measures are drawn from the published IS&T quarterly reports. IS&T Quarterly ReportsIS&T generates quarterly reports containing narrative and graphs contributed by individual team leaders and managers. Reports are eventually published at Their audience is mostly other senior staff in IS&T. Measures brought out in the CSS quarterly report come from several sources, including quarterly narrative from the team leaders and process dashboards supported by CSS Headquarters in collaboration with the process leaders. Process Dashboards and Surveys CSS sponsors a per-ticket client satisfaction survey, with weekly emailed invitations in response to the resolving of a ticket in most client-facing queues in the RT system. Results are tabulated weekly and made available to process teams and leadership. Process dashboards track variables related to RT ticket handling and other components of the workflow (ACD behavior, client sat) as appropriate. - Snapshot Survey results including scores and client comments, most recent first, for many IS&T queues. Compiled on Mondays for the previous week. This is the latest a direct link to the latest Survey report.
- ACD statistics measure client demand by phone and how we respond. Compiled on Mondays for the previous week.
This is a direct link to the latest ACD report
- Process Dashboards for certain RT-using lines of business. The charts show tickets generated, elapsed time since opened and since last touched, size of queue backlog, and where there are interesting queue-specific fields, charts of those fields over time.
- Service Desk – currently includes almost all the Service Desk queues except telephony and mobile devices.
- Mobile Devices --
- ITSS businesses -- DMCA, StopIT, Security
Stellar- VoIPHelp -- telecomm::telephone help, help desk::SIP, and any others with the ProblemType custom field set.
- ACD statistics compiled weekly measure client demand by phone and how we respond. This is the latest version.
Measures Roster This section will tabulate for all of CSS the important measures and metrics identified by managers and team leaders during the Fy2010 metrics refresh process. - Mobile Devices
- Stellar – combination of EdTech::Stellar and Call Center tickets about Stellar.
- ITSS businesses -- DMCA , StopIT , Security
- Volume Software Licensing – all the software::licensing::* queues related to distributing licensed software.
Public Facing Measures IS&T publishes to the world a selected set of measures at The page shows the current values for key measures, with a time series of quarterly observations going back several years. Measures are drawn from the published IS&T quarterly reports. IS&T Quarterly ReportsIS&T generates quarterly reports containing narrative and graphs contributed by individual team leaders and managers. Reports are eventually published at Their audience is mostly other senior staff in IS&T. Measures brought out in the CSS quarterly report come from several sources, including quarterly narrative from the team leaders and process dashboards supported by CSS Headquarters in collaboration with the process leaders. |