- Follow the instructions at http://gumstix.org/basic-cross-compilation.html to make uImage and kernel modules. Use the attached defconfig file instead of the one mentioned in the instructions.
- Download x-loader and u-boot from http://feeds.sakoman.com/feeds/gnome-r13/images/
- Follow the instructions at http://gobysoft.com/wiki/InstallOnGumstixOvero to build the root filesystem. Use the attached emdebian.conf file.
- If you've prepared the rootfs before then all you need to change for a new kayak is the hostname in /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts as well as the ip configuration settings.
- Use the instructions at http://gumstix.org/create-a-bootable-microsd-card.html to prepare the SD card and copy the MLO and u-boot. The kernel image we built can be found in linux/arch/arm/boot.
- Copy the rootfs, sync, install kernel modules, and sync again. Finally unmount the sd card.
Code Block |
cd ~/gumstix/rootfs
sudo rsync -aP . /media/rootfs/
cd ~/gumstix/linux
sudo INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/media/rootfs make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- modules_install
sudo umount /media/boot
sudo umount /media/rootfs
Return to the goby wiki and follow the instructions to setup distcc on the gumstix. Next install software according to the instructions on the software installation page.
Code Block |
git clone git://www.sakoman.com/git/linux linux
cd linux
git checkout omap-3.6
defconfig saved as omap4_defconfig and pulled from:
from http://www.sakoman.com/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=meta-sakoman.git;a=blob_plain;f=recipes-kernel/linux/linux-sakoman-3.6/omap4-multi/defconfig;h=968d3053f32a504afdf7b0eacf1d41eb730a5f80;hb=HEAD saved as omap4_defconfigmaster
no changes to defconfig
MLO and u-boot from script found at:
from http://feeds.sakoman.com/feeds/yocto-1.3/images/duoveroomap4-multi/current/
will need package g++-4.6-arm-linux-gnueabi=4.6.3-15, add emdebian wheezy and sid to apt sources similar to squeeze as described on goby wiki.
Compiler information: vehicles should use g++-4.4
distcc host must have g++-4.4-arm-linux-gnueabi=4.4.5-8
Code Block |
Package: *-4.4-arm-linux-gnueabi* *-4.4-dev-armel-cross
Pin: version 4.4.5-8
Pin-Priority: 1100 |