From the homepage, Silas has the option to look at his existing library of compositions, or to create a new composition. Here he selects the "New" button, and is directed to the "New Composition" page.
Musical Sketches supports composing music through drawing notes onto a sheet, or through transcription of audio. Since Silas is already whistling this tune, he is able to select "Record" and is directed to the "New Recording" page.
, or in landscape:
Here Silas is presented with a split screen, where on one half he controls the recording mode and on the other half he can view and edit the notes as they are recorded.
Workflow Design Analysis:
+ indicates a good point of the design
- indicates a bad point in the design
+ The interface is extremely simplified (not cluttered), giving the user very few options and making paths obvious.
- Not obvious to user how to switch from synthesized notes to actual recording of the user (if composition was created by recording).
+ Large buttons with clear, non-ambiguous meanings.
+ "Home" button always remains in same location
- Editing while recording can be cumbersome to switch between actively recording and editing, and then back.
+ No composition is "static" (it can always be edited later).
+ User can always leave the application and it will save the current state.
- No composition is "static". Perhaps a "lock" button can be instituted later.