- Super simple user-interface - Should not take more than a few seconds to input a debt or payment of debt
- Approvals - When another person places a debt on him, he wants to be able to approve it so that people do not make up claims for money.
- An actual "system" instead of just an interface for a database.
- User establishes a connection with another user and can now add transactionsHow often used?
- Depending on the user, but should be used fairly infrequently as users usually only incur debt with friends
2. Adding
a transaction
Goal: Allow users to input an amount that a particular person owes them
Current systems that attempt to solve the problems we are trying to solve fail because they are simple layers over a database, if not just the database itself. Paper/pencil is an obvious of a database itself and using Excel is basically forcing the user to interact directly with a "database" (in this case a spreadsheet). Other solutions may include some sort of money management applications that are not geared towards multi-user debt tracking (such as mint.com), but some users might try to use these applications to track how much money they are owed - not the most ideal solution.
PennyPincher is a system
The whole idea behind PennyPincher is to replace all the current solutions with a solution that is tailored to the task of debt tracking. Therefore, as designers, we have the freedom to add any features that we think would help users solve their debt tracking issues. Some of the ideas that we have had on GR1 or have been recently are: