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Meeting on Friday, November 16th

We discussed solutions to the questions of

  • Taxes and Quotas
  • Education
  • International Body

see the progress we made at to prepare for saturday's meeting

11/17/07: I have moved all of the proposals to children pages for each team. Post your solutions there and put a note here that you updated your page. I also put up the proposal that Team 1 emailed out in response to our (Team 4) questions about aquaculture.

Alex T. Vai, et. al.:  October 31st

Fair Trade Fish (Better Name Pending) 

One of our biggest problems is getting the general public to care about the issue of the oceans in the first place.

We know that there do exist sustainable, well-run fisheries in the world (Alaskan Pollock, for instance).  If sustainable seafood were marketed as such, the consumer would have a concrete way to make an environmental difference, while getting a likely superior product at a comparable price.

A formalized certification and marketing process seems like a logical extension of existing programs, such as the Monterey Bay Aquariums "Seafood Watch List"

Many of you may be aware of the hype surrounding "Fair Trade Coffee" (the namesake), "EnergyStar," or the "Organic Foods" movement.  If similar popular support can be generated regarding sustainable fishing, there would be significant economic pressure to make fisheries more sustainable.  There could be a marketing campaign for people to only buy fish marked with a "Gold Star for Sustainability."

This could also be a boon for corporations seeking to improve their public image (i.e. "We serve only Sustainable Fish").

In terms of the actual "fair trade" portion, if fishermen could receive better prices for high-quality, sustainably caught fish, they would be far more motivated to fish sustainably than through traditional management.  (Consider, for example, the proliferation of environmentally friendly "shade-grown" coffee in Latin America.

Some Challenges: 

Some degree of marketing studies would be needed to see how much of a price increase a consumer is willing to tolerate for sustainability (see Toyota Prius).  However, I contend that a certification process does not necessarily mean higher prices.  I argue that the average consumer would select a sustainable product, if other factors are relatively equal.

I acknowledge that this is plan uniquely targeted at Developed Countries, but also consider that the majority of environmental damage is caused by such countries.

This would require the creation of Representative, Interdisciplinary "Council" to act as a certification body, and the development of standards for "sustainable fisheries."  Note that, such standards already exist in some form in the US, they merely need to be formalized and centralized for maximum effectiveness.

Team 8,9: October 31st

 (Note: You can read the details and supporting analysis in the text if you like, but the actual recommendations are included in the Abstract and the Key Proposals sections.)

A Plan Regarding Marine Protected Areas

AbstractWe assert that the establishment and operation of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) is a viable and effective, albeit incomplete, means of protecting, rebuilding, and sustaining the world's marine resources. In accordance with the goals of Mission 2011, MPAs are an ecosystem-based approach to marine management.  MPAs currently in operation unequivocally demonstrate that reductions human impacts allow ecosystems to return to a healthier, more natural state.  We will also demonstrate other advantages of MPAs, both alone and relative to other management strategies.  Given such benefits, the primary challenge is to expand MPA coverage to a globally significant scale, while at the same time maintaining the support of various stakeholder groups.  In this solution, we will first propose a broadly applicable scheme for establishing MPAs, and then discuss some issues regarding their operation.

Key Proposals:

I.       Aim to cover 10% of the global oceans with No-Take Reserves within a reasonable time-frame

          A.      This scale provides a balance between ecological effectiveness and acceptability

                   1.       20 - 30% may be better, but is increasingly implausible

          B.      This is comparable to the scale of protected Land Areas

          C.      To be used in conjunction with other degrees of protection and other management strategies in the remaining area

II.      General Principles for Area Selection

A.           Must be representative selection of habitats

B.      Multiple examples of similar habitats need to be protected

C.      Individual Areas can be small, but they must be "networked" larger scales

III.     Implementation Logistics

          A.      International Vision...National and Local Action

                   1.       National mandate must be supported by strong legislation, national budgeting

                   2.       Nations could adapted existing infrastructure from land-based conservation to MPAs

IV.     Public Support and Education

A.           Use MPAs as a tool to increase ocean literacy and awareness of general public

B.            Can be used directly as an educational tool

Benefits of Marine Protected Areas:

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One of the best known and longest established MPAs is the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park off the coast of Australia.  Studies in no-take areas of the park by Evans and Russ show dramatic increases in the biomass fished species, as compared to fished areas.\[1\]  There are also clear indications of generally improved ecosystem health.\[2\]  There is also evidence of a so-called "spillover effect" whereby the benefits of the MPA extend beyond park boundaries.\[3\]  Ecologically successful implementation of MPAs is well documented scientific literature, and has been shown possible in a wide variety of marine environments.

Marine Protected Areas, and in particular, no-take marine reserves, possess attributes that set them apart from traditional marine management Since they are ecosystem-based, they do not require large amounts of species-specific, qualitative data to be effective, a significant flaw of traditional management.  Fundamentally, MPAs are proactive, rather than reactive; they provide a buffer and "insurance policy" against inaccuracies in science and policy. Furthermore, by maintaining or restoring natural systems, MPAs provide a valuable scientific "baseline" or "control" to better judge activities outside of their boundaries.  Also well established are the positive role of MPAs in education, tourism, recreation, and critical ecosystem services.

The challenge:

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As it stands today, roughly 0.7% of the world ocean is protected in some way (in contrast 11.5% of land areas re protected in some way).\[4\]  THIS IS SIMPLY NOT ENOUGH to have a globally significant impact.  Furthermore, the rate at which the MPAs are growing is far lower than the human ability to exploit the oceans.  Hence, the challenge is to expand coverage to a more significant level, as quickly as possible, while limiting the impact on human culture and economics.

The Goal and Plan:

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A reasonable middle ground will be to aim for 10% coverage of the world oceans with no-take areas.  This is comparable to global protected land areas, would likely be enough to make a substantial impact, and could still remain palatable for fishers, etc. The principle behind a conservative goal, is that it is one for which widespread support would be possible with the appropriate motivations.  Also, having a well-defined, conservative goal makes it clear that there is no attempt to radically restructure the way the business is carried out on the seas; in contrast, the MPA proposal is designed to preserve and protect the seagoing cultures and ways of life that have existed for many generations. Most important is the acknowledgement that an inflexible attitude toward the creation of MPAs is counterproductive.  This 10% target attempts to be sensitive to socio-economic concerns, as well as biological and ecological concerns.\[5\]

In areas outside of the no-take zones, lesser restrictions will almost certainly be necessary.  Traditional management schemes, such as gear restrictions, quotas, or days-at-sea limitations, are all possibilities.  In any case, it is important to note that the intent is for MPAs to work in conjunction with other management schemes.

How to Choose Locations for MPAs:

Given the limited coverage area, clear thought must be given to maximizing the influence of each unit.  We reiterate that the size of individual sanctuaries is not the most important matter, but rather the global scale of coverage. Within the proposed 10%, a representative sample of habitats and ecosystems should be protected. Furthermore, multiple examples of each habitat should be protected to insure against localized disturbances. Finally, individual MPAs should be located in mutually reinforcing "networks," to maximize their influence.

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Although the MPAs in this proposal are intended to protect entire ecosystems, we acknowledge that there are secondary biological or economic situations in which a certain organism is of particular importance.  In such cases, an understanding of the relevant biology and ecology can, for example, allow key life stages or migration routes to be protected by careful placement of reserves.  A land-based analogy may be the protection of bird nesting sites and reserves for migratory birds, respectively.\[6\]


In principle, there is nothing wrong with an international approach to marine management.  Indeed, if some international organization can provide a "vision" and moral support, it would be extremely beneficial.  However, the details of implementation can most effectively be handled on a more local or regional basis.  States have the established legislative and financial machinery to mandate and fund the creation of MPAs, something lacked by virtually all current International bodies.  Even more practically, there is the sovereignty issue of direct enforcement in territorial waters.

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Also consider that many nations have preexisting infrastructure related land-based conservation areas that can be expanded and adapted to meet the needs of running MPAs.  Using the United Statesas an example, National Legislation such as the National Marine Sanctuaries Act can be strengthened, to streamline the process for the creation of new MPAs, to explicitly mandate their creation, and to provide for budget appropriations therein.\[7\]  The scope of existing enforcement agencies, such as the National Park Service can be expanded to cover MPAs.  Their mandate can be greatly assisted by technological solutions, such as satellite-based remote sensing, etc.

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\[1\] Evans, RD; Russ, GR.  "Larger biomass of targeted reef fish in no-take marine reserves on the Great Barrier Reef." _Aquatic Conservation._  14 (5) : 505-519.
\[2\] _{+}Ibid.+_
\[3\] Russ, GR; Alcala, AC; Maypa, AP. *_"_{*}Spilloverfrom marine reserves: The case of _Naso vlamingii_ at ApoIsland, The Philippines"  Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., Vol. 264, pp. 15-20. 2003.
\[4\] D. Pauly.&nbsp; Lecture. _and_ UNEP World Database on Protected Areas. <[]>.
\[5\] Agardy T., et. al.&nbsp; "Ideological Clashes around marine protected areas."&nbsp; Aquatic Conservation 13(4): 353-367.
\[6\]Guenette, S; Pitcher, TJ; Walters, CJ.&nbsp;"The Potential of Marine Reserves for the management of northern cod in Newfoundland."&nbsp; _Bulletin of Marine Science,_ 66(3): 831-852, 2000.
\[7\] 16 United States Code § 1431

Team 5: October 29th

We propose creating an international body under the UN- possibly affiliated with the FAO (but which could also be autonomous) that would regulate/manage/enforce the following treaty that is designed to meet our goals. This treaty only includes the requests of Team 2 and our team, so please post/email what regulations you would like included (i.e. does Team 3 want something on pollution or environmental considerations?):

1. How do we enforce international fishing regulations, including what technology could be used and where technology could be used?
    a. We need to achieve near full compliance from most countries and create incentives to deter flag hopping.
         i. China, US, EU, Japan, Russia, Canada, Brazil, South Africa, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand and other countries with large fishing demand*
         ii. Offer economic incentives from our regulatory body: trade restrictions on fish/fishing technology placed upon non-compliant countries; similar or more stringent                 rules apply to countries who sign but flag hop
    b. How do we achieve near-full compliance?
         i. Treaty/mandate/charter
                1. Countries are responsible for all ships that are registered under their flag
                2. Cannot register with a noncompliant country
                3. Limit what technology can be used where
                    a. Info from Team 2      
                4. Fishing quotas for international waters/polar regions
                    a. Info from other teams on quota success
                5. Each countries regulates compliance of ships under its flag by use of
                    a. Tracking devices
                    b. Regulatory officers
                6. Each country responsible for regulating/measuring/tracking the biodiversity and biomass within coastal regions
                7. Funds from dues to research biodiversity/biomass in international and the polar regions
                    a. How do we track this? Team 10
         ii. Financial officers provided to each signatory by the regulatory body to help them balance the demands of the treaty without damaging the economy
                1. Committee of experts that deals with case by case
    c. Create a body: International Regulatory Commission for Sustainable Fishing (IRCSF)
         i. Either autonomous, like NATO
         ii. Or a part of the UN, like WHO or UNICEF (suggested)
                1. Maybe under or affiliated with the FA

A sub-branch of the UN, UNEP, is already designed to do this. Wouldn't it be good if this could be incorporated into UNEP, rather than coming up with a new body? 

Team 6: October 29th

Establishing a law that requires all fishing vessels to have a GPS tracking device on board will make the regulation of fishermen and fishing companies much simpler and more effective. It will allow regulating bodies to know which fleets are in the water and whether or not they are within legal boundaries. For fishermen, it is an simple way to determine which closed areas are in effect. For all fishing vessels currently in operation, the cost of the tracking devices can be subsidized.

Establishing a fish tax will put the cost of depleting fisheries on the consumer. Similar to gasoline tax and cigarette taxes, a fish tax will increase the cost of any fish products sold on the market. Currently there is a very high demand for fish, and if we are to keep a sustainable global fish population, we cannot catch the number of fish needed to meet this demand. An increase in fish prices will not only discourage consumers from buying more fish, thus lowering the demand, but it will make them aware of the crisis in our oceans today.

Issues: poor people now cannot afford fish (but in America there are substitutes)

Other ideas:
*Subsidizing fishing is NOT a solution.
*Fish tax vs. tariffs?
*what if countries aren't allowed to fish in each others waters at all? (make distant water fleets illegal) then the only way to get fish would be through imports and exports, which is easier to regulate than flaghopping
*set international standards for nitrates/phosphates (<-- algae)

Todd: October 28th

Let's start expanding the outline by adding questions and topics that need to be addressed under each section of the outline. If you make changes please sign them with your name and date. Substantial restructing of the outline is probably best left in the hands of the executive committee. Possibly we could also use this page to keep track of work assignments, but I would like to discuss that in class first. The page will look better if it is edited in Wiki Markup language. It's not hard to do. If you would like to alter, object, or otherwise comment on any of these suggestions, please contact me.
Todd Mooring 10/28

Solution Document Outline

  • Introduction
    • Survey of global fisheries and their significance
      • How much fish is caught? Where and what kinds? How important are nonfood uses of fish? How important are nonfish ocean products? Todd Mooring 10/28
      • What is the monetary value of these fish/other ocean creatures? How big economically is the fishing industry? How many people work in it? Todd Mooring 10/28
      • Attempt to classify world fisheries. Discuss similarities and differences between large high technology fisheries that provide fish to the developed world and the small fisheries of developing countries. Todd Mooring 10/28
  • Threats to fisheries
    • Fishing activities
      • Overexploitation Todd Mooring 10/28
      • Bycatch Todd Mooring 10/28
      • Other aspects of fishing (trawl damage, ghost fishing) Todd Mooring 10/28
    • Pollution
    • Climate
      • Could non-temperature aspects of climate change impact fish? If so, how? Todd Mooring 10/28
    • Assess relative importance of these factors Todd Mooring 10/28
  • Implications for Humans
    • Food security
      • Needs to be assessed by region of the world Todd Mooring 10/28
    • Economic impact
      • Would it be possible to put a dollar value on the loss of global fisheries? Todd Mooring 10/28
      • How hurtful have fishery collapses been in the past? Todd Mooring 10/28
  • Goals and Justification
    • (Maybe we should insert the goals here) Todd Mooring 10/28
    • What we want and why
  • Non-biological considerations when formulating solution
    • Economic/social/political issues
  • Regional/fishery management solutions---How goals are to be achieved
    • The global problem is a collection of local problems
    • Regional solutions
      • Discuss fishery problems and solutions in various regions of the world
    • Solutions by fishery type---solution templates
      • Discuss problems and solutions in various kinds of fisheries---large commercial, subsistence, etc.
    • Discuss effectiveness of various types of fishery management systems. Some methods are better than others, according to one source. Todd Mooring 10/28
    • This section could probably be reorganized Todd Mooring 10/28
  • Global and technical aspects of solution
    • Climate
    • International waters
    • Change global fish demand
    • Aquaculture
  • Specific recommendations/issues not addressed elsewhere
    • Need for additional fisheries research
  • Conclusion

Team 4: October 26th

As part of Mission 2011's overall solution, we think that to be able to know and track population size, normal age distribution, and predator/prey levels, electronic tags must be used. If the need arises to know biomass of a fishery, but does not need to be specific to a species, then SONAR can be used to find that information.  We are working to develop an implementation of the tagging and surveying techniques that we have researched.

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Our group will also be able to use GIS data and biomass estimates from ICES \[\] and FAO \[\] to identify crashed stocks.&nbsp; We are working on analyzing our data to summarize which stocks are at dangerously low levels

 NOTE: We know that this needs to be fleshed out better, but we wanted to get something posted for now.

Todd: October ?

Here is an outline/template for our solution.

Using the Outline

We could create the solution by listing and then answering relevant questions under each of these headings.  The topics are listed in what I think would be a rational order for a presentation or paper.  The outline could also be a site map for the Web site we will create.  Please feel free to send comments to me and/or post them on the wiki. 
-Todd Mooring

Solution Document Outline


                Survey of global fisheries and their significance

Threats to fisheries

                Fishing activities



Implications for Humans

                Food security

                Economic impact

Goals and Justification

                What we want and why

Non-biological considerations when formulating solution

                Economic/social/political issues

Regional/fishery management solutions---How goals are to be achieved

The global problem is a collection of local problems

                Regional solutions

                                Discuss fishery problems and solutions in various regions of the world

                Solutions by fishery type---solution templates

Discuss problems and solutions in various kinds of fisheries---large commercial, subsistence, etc.

Global and technical aspects of solution


                International waters

                Change global fish demand


Specific recommendations/issues not addressed elsewhere

                Need for additional fisheries research


TEAM 2 PROPOSED SOLUTION: work in progress

(Please edit as you see fit. This list has already been sent to the regulations group as a preliminary sketch of what we would like to see regulated but by no means is it complete or entirely accurate and will need editing and additions as we learn more.)


          General Goals:

    • Decrease harmful effects of fishing technology on the environment
    • Increase selectivity of fish caught both by species and size


(Not all of the solutions are compatible but are simply suggestions as some ways in which the aformentioned goals can be met)        

    • Use fishing methods that are more environmentally friendly such as handlining or trapping rather than bottom trawling because trawls stir up sediment (turbidity is harmful to many fish species as well as bivalves), destroy fish habitat, destroy plants and animals that live along the bottom, etc) whereas handlining and other methods do not contact the bottom and thus do not harm the nonliving environment.
    • Rather than trawling or fishing X amount of hours and pulling up the nets to see what and how much has been caught, putting sensors on nets that measure tension or width of the net or other factors that can give fishermen an estimation of the amount of fish in the nets so that the quota allowance will not be exceeded resulting in all of the fish over the for example, 500 pound limit are thrown back dead into the ocean.
    • Use nanosensors along the bottom of a trawling net that would keep the net a certain fixed height above the ground to prevent damaging the bottom and using electrified ticklers to scare fish into the nets rather than using chains that scrape up the sea floor to scare fish into nets.
    • Creating and implementing sonar and other tracking devices to determine size (and from that age if possible) and species before nets are put into the water to limit the amount of bycatch of unwanted species or fish that are too small.
    • Creating and implementing devices to sort fish before catching based on instinctual defensive responses of other means such as electrofishing using certain frequencies which attract (and even paralyze if desired) fish of certain size and repel others away in order to lower bycatch.
    • Putting escape vents for large sea mammals that get trapped in fishing nets.
    • Using diamond mesh instead of square mesh because square mesh does not close when towed and thus small fish can get through the mesh which would make net size regulations more effective.


 *Regulation should occur before fish are caught rather than after as the most effective way of preventing overfishing. For example, regulation should regulate net drag speed and net mesh size rather than throwing away fish that exceed the pound limit though that too should be in place in a modified form*

  • Bottom Trawling should not be allowed in communities deeper than X (More research is needed in classifying sediment type according to depth or extensive underwater terrain maps showing sediment composition so that bottom trawling is absolutely not allowed in deep ocean where recovery is slow but perhaps allowable in very shallow areas that show little or no damage in the succeeding months though bottom trawling should be phased out as newer technology is implemented.)
  • Where mobile gear (trawls and other similar fishing methods) and non-mobile gear (such as lines or traps) can be used and cannot be used in conjunction with the mapping of underwater terrain. Mobile gear catches greater volumes of fish but can be much less selective than non-mobile gear. (Mobile gear is much more cost effective though since more fish can be caught in less time.)
  • For mobile gear, regulating at what speed nets can be dragged so as to maximize the benefit of increased mesh size and prevent fish smaller than the size of the netting from being trapped by the larger fish who are pressed against the end of the net by the high speeds. Trawling typically occurs at about 3 knots up to perhaps 5 knots as an estimate.)
  • Setting a minimum size that nets cannot exceed and shape of the netting as well (though more research is needed as to what size the minimum size should be and how different species fishing should be regulated in that regard.)

PROBLEMS in the way between current generation fishing technology and next generation technology:

  • Next Gen is not currently cost-efficient 
  • Next Gen is not currently feasible
  • Enforcement of regulations in regards to fishing technology is difficult and not cost-effective
  • Inertial resistance to change
  • Current technology is already efficient at tracking and catching fish (though not selective enough)
  • Once catching what we want through selectivity is achieved, more regulations will be need to prevent overfishing of species we want 

