We used an open-source library called Recording.js, which uses Javascript and Flash to enable recording and playback capabilities. We were unable to persist recordings due to time constraints, but we think that for the purpose of UI design, this is not a serious problem. The lack of persistence did impact the usability of our user interface because we had to make explicit that creating a new recording would overwrite the old recording to testers.
A set of comments exists for each recording for simple organization. These were implemented as collapsible elements using Bootstrap so long comment chains can be hidden for a recording that the user is not looking at. Each accordion heading displays information about the recording and allows it to be played, while the inner accordion sections held comments. Comments are not persisted because it was too difficult to persist recordings, and it only makes sense to persist comments if recordings can be persisted. We believe this is not a big issue because this class is focused on UI design rather than backend implementation.
- Practice singing the song "The Sign". For the play options on that page, please set the Volume to 85%, the Tempo to 130 beats/min, and include the Metronome. You may practice for as long as you would like.
- Now, make a recording of the song "The Sign". Feel free to change the play options and sing for however long you would like. After recording your singing, please save your recording as "Super Solo".
- Listen to Ben's recording of "The Sign" called "Tenor Recording". Make a comment on his recording. You can write whatever message you like.
- Check Ben's profile to see when he is available to practice.
- The A Cappella Veteran (same person that we interviewed for GR1!)
- The A Cappella Beginner
- The Musical Theater Veteran