By default, the Tasks Sidebar includes Sleep, Diaper Change, and Feeding event panels. Our User Analysis and Observation revealed the tasks to be the most common and reoccurring tasks across the user groups. We limited the number of tasks to four in order to avoid overloading the novice user.
Add Event pop-up
Each task’s Add Event pop-up includes the title of the task, date input, time input, and a text comment box. The first three are basic event attributes for calendaring while the fourth provides the ability to provide additional information.
For higher usability (learnability, efficiency, safety), we chose to utilize interfaces for the input of date and time. A click inside the date input brings up a small calendar interface with the date chosen displayed in bold and users can then click on the appropriate date. Users are also given the freedom to type in the data inputs. Similarly, when the user clicks inside the time input a time picker interface pop ups up and the user can increment/decrement to their choice of time. Clicking on buttons placed next to the corresponding data input also provides access to the interfaces. The buttons are blue for higher visibility and are given corresponding white icons to help distinguish the two.
To provide increased efficiency for more expert users, the interface provides the option to add additional panels for frequently occurring tasks. At the end of the sidebar are two buttons for this purpose. Externally consistent, the green button with a plus sign icon opens the New Quick-Add Panel pop-up when clicked while the red button with a minus sign icon allows for the removal of individual custom panels. See the figures below.
When the red button is clicked, Quick-Add Panels change to reflect the state change in the Sidebar. Default panels are grayed out to signal that they cannot be edited. For custom Quick-Add panels the larger icon button is grayed out while the smaller button changes to red with a minus sign. Clicking on the smaller button deletes the corresponding Quick-Add panel. The color change (red for alert), size, and position of the delete button provide safety for this action.
New Quick-Add Panel pop-up
To add a new panel, users specify the title for the new panel and have the option to include the Shopping List Add feature in the new panel. They may also choose the panel’s representative icon by choosing and uploading a picture file.
Task Calendar
The calendar is set to week view by default but allows for single Day and Month views. The affordance of arrows is used for navigation between the next or previous day/week/month. A Today button provides safety and efficiency by allowing quick navigation back to the original view. Users may add events through direct manipulation: click and dragging on the corresponding area in the calendar. Icons.
Shopping List
The Shopping List allows a user to add/delete/reorder items. Previously, the interface had an edit and add buttons placed beneath the user input. However, due to user feedback we modified the design to have the add button directly next to the user input and allow the users to edit through direct manipulation.
dBabies, in good web programming practice, is implemented using html for content, css for presentation, and javascript for behavior, however in minor instances, these boundaries were blurred for convenience.
At the frontend, we used the jQuery javascript library extensively for selecting, manipulating, and adding click events to html elements. Additionally, we used the Bootstrap framework for many of our base components and for the responsive design of the page. The sortable interaction of jQueryUI was also used within the Shopping List section of our page to allow the sorting of individual items. In the left Sidebar, bootstrap date picker, bootstrap time picker, and jQuery-fileupload were used for the purposes that their respective names imply. The scheduler in dBabies is library from dhtmlx with customizations set via the API to fit along with our overall theme and certain affordances e.g. the highlighting of the current day and time within the calendar.
In the backend, we are using node.js to run our server and handle user picture uploads with jQuery-fileupload-middleware. Additionally, we are using a short php script to handle saving of scheduler events across user sessions. Lastly, our code is being hosted on Heroku.