Below are some high level guidelines and recommendations of priority deliverables for each phase of a project. Staff are encouraged to interpret and use these tools the ways that best suit their individual project.
Currently, templates are available under the 'Plan and Initiate' and 'Ongoing Management' sections. Additional templates will be added as they are submitted by members of the Community.
HTML Comment — Start of Plan and Initiate Phase —
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Plan and Initiate
CloakStakeholder Identification example INLINE example
template INLINE template
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Require- ments
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HTML Comment — Phase End - Plan and Initiate —
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Deploy and Deliver
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DivOngoing Project Management Divstyle color:#999999 class acrossPhases
Wiki Markup{composition-setup}{composition-setup}
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Plan and Initiate
* [Business Case|Business Case Overview]
* [Stakeholder Identification|Identifying Stakeholders Overview]
* [Project Kickoff Meeting|Project Kick Off Overview]
* [Scope Statement|Scope Statement Overview]
* [Project Budget|IST Standard Project Budget Overview]
* [Scope and Sign Off|Business Case Overview]
* [Requirements Document|Business Case Overview]
* [Conceptual Model|Business Case Overview]
* [Solution Decision and Prototype|Business Case Overview]
* [Detailed Design Specs|Business Case Overview]
* [Detailed Project Schedule|Business Case Overview]
* [Build/Configure|Business Case Overview]
* [Code Review|Business Case Overview]
* [Unit Test|Business Case Overview]
* [System Integration Testing|Business Case Overview]
* [Usability and Accessibility Testing|Business Case Overview]
* [User Acceptance Testing|Business Case Overview]
Deploy and
* [Deploy|Business Case Overview]
* [Train|Business Case Overview]
* [Support Plan|Business Case Overview]
* [Lessons Learned|Business Case Overview]
* [Enhancement Requests|Business Case Overview]
* [Hardware Upkeep|Business Case Overview]