To download template, click here: Business Case Template.doc
To see a completed example, click here: Business Case Example
Why develop a Business Case?
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- Identify: Facilitate gathering of information through the business
- Analyze and Understand: Document the information, analyseanalyze, and validate through the business
- Initiate: Submit business case in conjunction with project cost template to FBC and obtain necessary approval
to include in a business case?
- Business Case Header: \ [Project Name \ ] Business Case
- Functional Area within IS&T
- Project Name
- Potential Sponsor
- Submittal Submission Date
- General Description of Proposed project: This is a A brief description and summary of the project
- Drivers: Describe Describes the customer needs (internal or external) that would be met. What business problem does this solve?
- Initial Scope: Identify business functions that must be included in the project and, if known, functions that are definitely out of scope
- Benefits: How the solution will effect affect the business business
- Risks: Explain risks and impact of not doing the project
- Assumptions
- Desired Time Line for Implementation
- Notes: any information you feel is relevant to justify the need for the project
- Signature of person(s) approving the business caseWho approved Project
- Date Approved