- Open website.
- Log In via facebook connect.
- Enter friends’ emails in a text box, or enter friends’ names (with drop-down suggestions from facebook).
*\[optional\]* Add a message clarifying what type of food you would like to order.] Add a message clarifying what type of food you would like to order.Wiki Markup - [optional] Populate the request with one or more restaurant
*\[optional\]* Populate the request with one or more restaurant ideas.Wiki Markup - Send out email request.
Task: Selecting a restaurant
- Click on e-mailed link (from step 1).
- View currently available restaurant choices.unmigrated-wiki-markup
- *\[optional{*}*\]* Add your own preferences for restaurants.] Add your own preferences for restaurants.
- [optional] View restaurant menus and
*\[optional\]* View restaurant menus and ratings.Wiki Markup - Select which restaurants you are willing to order from.
Task: Completing the order (sending to restaurant, payment, and getting money from others)
Once everyone has selected something to order, the organizer clicks a button and is redirected to _\[foodler/campusfood\]_ in an iframe to place the order. All the fields should already be filled out.Wiki Markup - They quickly check the information on the site against a side panel informing them of what their friends wanted (including special instructions).
- After payment, the organizer is redirected to an order completion page and everyone is told exactly how much they owe via email.
- The organizer can use the order completion page to keep track of who has paid and who hasn’t paid.