A laser diode is a laser where the active medium is a semiconductor similar to that found in a light-emitting diode. The most common and practical type of laser diode is formed from a p-n junction and powered by injected electric current. These devices are sometimes referred to as injection laser diodes to distinguish them from (optically) pumped laser diodes, which are more easily manufactured in the laboratory.
Model: QLD103E-6850
Wavelength: 808 nm
Power: 500 mW (cw); Multimode
Operating current: threshold 20 mA, typical 100 mA, max 150 mA
Size: Ø5.6 mm
Pin code: A Pin Code
Bought by Yannick, June 2021
Cost: $2,450 (quote)
Location: 36-228
Model: LD808-SE500
Wavelength: 808 nm
Power: 500 mW (cw); Single (spatial) mode, multi-longitudinal mode
Operating current: threshold 230 mA, typical 750 mA, max 800 mA
Size: Ø9 mm
Pin code: E Pin Code
Bought by Nicholas Rivera, August 2021
Cost: $662.26
Location: 36-228
Model: L808P500MM
Wavelength: 808 nm
Power: 500 mW (cw); Multimode
Operating current: threshold 50 mA, typical 650 mA, max 700 mA
Size: Ø5.6 mm
Pin code: A Pin Code
Bought by Nicholas Rivera, August 2021
Cost: $40.86
Location: 36-228
Model: M9-852-0150
Wavelength: 852 nm
Cost: $428
Location: 36-228; mounted on LTC-100B
Model: FPL1055T
Wavelength: 1550 nm
Cost: $350
Location: 36-228; mounted on LTC-100C
This model is: EYP-RWE-0740-01000-1500-SOT02-0000
Wavelength: 727-740nm
RIDGE Waveguide laser with AR-coating
GaAs Semiconductor Laser Diode
Tunable Fabry-Perot Laser for External Cavity Operation