E-Book Collection Sets and Monographic SeriesWe now have a new way for selectors and other interested parties to find out the cataloging status of our various ebook packages and series. You can now log in to the FileMaker Pro version of staff Vera to get both summary information for all packages and series, and detailed information as you need it. This access will replace the LibGuides summary page and the Wiki detailed pages, and brings all ebook information into a single system. For instructions and more information, click here: https://wikis-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/confluence/display/LIBERTEAM/Staff+Vera+FileMaker+Pro+Version 1. Search http://collectionsets.oclc.org/JustLooking?cmd=displayElectronicSets Image Removed to determine if the purchased set is available via OCLC WorldCat Collection Sets. If so, it would be much more efficient to order the set from OCLC and then import the bibliographical records using our loader into Aleph. 2. If the set is not available via OCLC, please review "Principles and questions about cataloging and records for selectors when talking to ebook vendors" when purchasing a new collection set. 3. Collection sets listed below are the ones currently being maintained by cataloging staff, in addition to those included on the "URLs on print resources: what to do and when to do it" page. (Cataloging staff need to be notified when a print subscription is cancelled, but the e-versions-- of titles need to continue to be added to Barton.) |