Alphabetical by last name; IS&T author listed first; papers published or to be published, including Web publication
Last name, First name. Presentation/Article name, external entity/publication name, date. URL
2011 Presentations and Publications
2010 Presentations and Publications
- WinigLewis, StevenMadge. "Starting an ITRM Department from Scratch." Featured Case Study in Learning Tree International's Relationship Management for IT Professionals Class. "Managing Change". NERCOMP SIG Workshop: Women, Technology and Leadership, May 13, 2010. http://www.learningtreenercomp.com/courses/902.htm;
- Fladager, Darlene. "From Chaos to PSO." Daptiv User Conference, Seattle, WA, January 22, 2008
- org/events
- Kathy Cahill, Rich Caloggero, and Stephani Roberts. "Web Accessibility and Educational Technology: Best Practices". Presentation for Education Technology Group Meeting: June 1, 2010.
(Slides and MP3 recording to follow.)
2009 Presentations and Publications
- Fladager, Darlene. "Project Oversite @ MIT." Project Management Institute North American Symposium, October 13, 2009, Kissimee, FL.
- Winig, Steven. "IT/Business Alignment and the Roles of Portfolio and Relationship Management." Babson's Center for Information Management Studies (CIMS), March 18, 2009, Wellesley, MA. http://www.babson.edu/cims
- Scanlon, John. "AAUDE Warehouse/Web Front End Year in Review." AAUDE Council Meeting, November 2009, Washington, DC.
- Scanlon, John. "AAUDE Warehouse/Web Front End Update." Also, conducted "Basic Warehouse/Web Front End" training session AAUDE Annual Meeting February 2009, College Station, TX.
- Scanlon, John. Training Session: "Basic Warehouse/Web Front End." AAUDE Annual Meeting February 2009, College Station, TX.
- Scanlon, John. "AAUDE Web Front End and Faculty Profile by CIP." IvyPlus Affirmative Action Group Annual meeting April 2009, Dartmouth, NH.
- Scanlon, John. "AAUDE Warehouse and Web Front End." Harvard IR Community Building Meeting APRIL 2009, Cambridge, MA.
2008 Presentations and Publications
- Fladager, Darlene. "Project Oversight @ MIT" Project Summit, Boston, MA, October 27, 2008
- D'Souza, Wilson. "Vendor Free IT" @ the 4th Innovations in eLearning held at George Mason University, Fairfax, VA - June 4 2008.
- Grochow, Jerrold. "How to Be a Destination Employer: Lessons from the Best of the Best," panelist, Computerworld IT Leaders Conference, March 11, 2008, Orlando, FL.
- McNeal, Patrick & Gresham, Chris. Supporting Early Adopters Supporting Early Adopters and Moving Targets, NERCOMP, March 11, 2008. http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/NCP08077.pdf
- McNeal, Patrick. Managing Mac OS X with Radmind - Imaging,Rollback, and No License Fees, MacWorld, January, 17 2008 http://radmind.org/files/2008-01-17-macworld.pdf
- Snowden, Carter, Interview in Campus Technology Magazine, May 14, 2008. "Wikis Get Users Talking at MIT, Johns Hopkins"Grochow, Jerrold. "How to Be a Destination Employer: Lessons from the Best of the Best," panelist, Computerworld IT Leaders Conference, March 11, 2008, Orlando, FL.
- Winig, Steven, et al. "Project Management 101." MIT Postdoc Advisory Council, Cambridge, MA, January 29, 2008D'Souza, Wilson. "Vendor Free IT" @ the 4th Innovations in eLearning held at George Mason University, Fairfax, VA - June 4 2008.
- Fladager, Darlene. "From Chaos to PSO." Daptiv User Conference, Seattle, WA, January 22, 2008
- Winig, Steven. "Starting an ITRM Department from Scratch." Featured Case Study in Learning Tree International's Relationship Management for IT Professionals Class. http://www.learningtree.com/courses/902.htm;
- Wright, Norman Moving Targets: MIT's Transition to an Online Subject Evaluation System and the Need for FlexibilityNERCOMP 2008
- Higher Education Data Warehousing Formun a network of higher education colleagues dedicated to promoting the sharing of knowledge and best practices regarding knowledge management in colleges and universities, including building data warehouses, developing institutional reporting strategies, and providing decision support. IS&T Contributors and contribution:
- Mary Weisse - "Data Governance" - April 2008
- John Scanlon - "Association of American Universities Data Exchange Data Warehouse" - April 2008
- Brown, Sean M. "hste-learning.mit.edu: Medical Education Learning Courses," co-presenter, Medical Education Day, Harvard Medical School, October 26, 2004.
- Grochow, Jerrold M. "Best Practices for Enabling the Agile Enterprise," Panelist, MIT Sloan School CIO Symposium, May 19, 2004.
- Grochow, Jerrold M. "Producing the future of IT at MIT," Interview (by Gary Anthes), Computerworld, July 26, 2004. (http://www.computerworld.com/securitytopics/security/story/0,10801,94690,00.html)
- Grochow, Jerrold M., et al "The Enterprise Architecture Project at MIT," presentation to Common Solution Group, September 23, 2004. (http://www.stonesoup.org/Meeting.next/mtg.pres/grochow.htm)
- Grochow, Jerrold M. "Economics Provides a Key Driver for Open Source Solutions for Higher Education," Panelist, Open Source Summit, Phoenix, AZ, December 2, 2004. (http://www.opensourcesummit.org/program.html)
- Kumar, Vijay and Merriman, Jeffrey. "The CMS and Beyond," EDUCAUSE 2004.
- Kumar, Vijay. "From Open Resources to Educational Opportunity," Keynote Presentation, ALT-C (Association for Learning Technology) Conference, Bristol, U.K, September 2004.
- Kumar, Vijay. "Pervasive Computing to Abundant Educational Opportunity at MIT," Common Solutions Group Meeting, Harvard University, September 2004.
- Kumar, V., Alverson, D., Seigel, M., Zeman, J. "The Role and Value of Advanced Networking in Teaching and Learning," Internet2 Fall 2004 Meeting, Austin, TX, September 28, 2004.
- Kumar, Vijay, "An Open Educational Ecology," Keynote presentation, TERENA Networking Conference, 2004, Rhodes, Greece, June 9, 2004.
- LeBlanc, Linda A. "With Wireless, Who Can You Trust? No One," eSecurity Planet.com, December 6, 2004, (http://www.esecurityplanet.com/views/article.php/3444171)
- Long, Phillip D. "Principles for Learning Space Design and Case Studies," Panelist, NLII Learning Space Design Workshop, September 9, 2004.
- Long, Phillip D. "Learning Space Design: Current Research and Issues," Plenary Speaker, NSF Project Kaleidoscope - Shaping Environments for Undergraduate Learnign in STEM Fields: Opportunities for Research and Comprehensive Universities, University of Chicago, September 11, 2004.
- Long, Phillip D. "Death of the Classroom - Thank You, It's Been Great Fun," Trends in Technology Column, Syllabus Magazine, September 1, 2004, (http://www.syllabus.com/article.asp?id=9941)
- Long, Phillip D. "Is an Open Source CMS in Your Future?," Panelist, Syllabus Conference, Univ. of California Berkeley, July 19, 2004.
- Long, Phillip D. Syllabus Executive Summit, Facilitator, San Francisco, CA, July 18, 2004.
- Long, Phillip D. "Infectious Adoption," Trends in Technology Column, Syllabus Magazine, July-August, 2004 (print). (http://www.syllabus.com/article.asp?id=9680)
- Murphy, Brian. "Redesigning Non-formal Learning Spaces," Presenter, Educause 2004, Denver CO, October 22, 2004. (http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/acs/newspaces)
- Yu, Tom; Hartman, Sam; Raeburn, Kenneth. "The Perils of Unauthenticated Encryption: Kerberos Version 4," Proceedings of the Network and Distributed Systems Security Symposium, The Internet Society, February 2004. paper
:(http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/tlyu/papers/krb4peril-ndss04.pdf); slides: (http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/tlyu/papers/krb4peril-ndss04slides.pdf) - Hill, Paul. "MIT Roles DB," Common Solutions Group, University of Virginia, May 6, 2004.
- Hill, Paul. "Microsoft's Roles Based Authorizations Manager," Common Solutions Group, University of Virginia, May 6, 2004.
- Hill, Paul. "MIT's use of Public Key Technologies: Support Issues," Common Solutions Group, University of Virginia, May 6, 2004.
- Hill, Paul. "MIT's Roles DB" and "Microsoft's Roles Based Access Control Service," Internet2, July, 2004.
- Hill, Paul. "Implementing Identity Management in Microsoft-Centric and Mixed Environments," Internet2, November 2004.
- Hill, Paul. "The Overlap of Technology and Policy," (panelist) Internet2, November 2004.
- Hill, Paul. "Authentication Technology Survey: Kerberos, LDAP, Client-side PKI, and Other Solutions," Internet2, November 2004.