Table of Contents
Date: Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Time: 9am - 5pm (Continental Breakfast at 8:30am)
Location: Stata Center, building 32. Badge pickup outside of Kirsch Auditorium (32-123)
We hope to see you on June 12th!
Schedule:IT Partners 2018 Conference Schedule.pdf
Session Descriptions
Session Feedback
- Links:
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Conference Feedback
Tell us how we did and help us start planning for next year's conference.
- To provide feedback on specific sessions, go to the Session Descriptions, click on a session and look for the "Submit Session Feedback" link.
Or click the link below:
- Keynote: Blockchains, Bitcoin and Layer 2 Scalability Solutions (Alin Dragos)
- Sessions
- 24/7 Service Desk (Kyle Filipe, Eric Marquis)
- a Gentle Introduction To git (G.I.T.) (Linus Falck-Ytter)
- A Selection of Salesforce Journeys (Cheryl Miller, Patrick McNeal, Minerva Tirado, Jeff Freilich, Matt Romero, Joseph Browne)
- Advanced Tableau Data Manipulation (Gilles Simler)
- An Introduction to User Experience (UX) Fundamentals (Chris LaRoche, Katherine Wahl)
- Collaboration Tools: Google Suite, DropBox, OneDrive, Slack, Trello, and LastPass (Oliver Thomas, Mike Sherman, Saul Horowitz, Patrick McNeal)
- Demystifying Data Governance and Security (Carter Stubbs, Bob Monteith, John Dvorak)
- Hybrid Cloud Migrations: Moving to the Public Cloud through Lift and Shift (Nathan Thaler)
- Knowledge Management Services, Tools, and Trends (Irina Cyr, Sara Davies)
- Making SharePoint Fun (Linus Falck-Ytter)
- MIT's Central Domain Services (Richard Edelson)
- NextGen MIT Network (Matthew Harrington, Marco Gomes, John Morgante, Brian Stephens)
- Office 365 and MIT Email (Richard Edelson)
- Qualtrics Vocalize (Saul Horowitz)
- Realistic imagination: how to avoid imaginary realism when working with design & development vendors (Deborah A. Levinson)
- Research Data Management: an Overview from Data Management Services (Amy Nurnberger, Ece Turnator)
- Roles and Access Control (Brandin Tumeinski)
- Web Accessibility: Encouraging Digital Diversity (Katherine Wahl, Kathy Cahill)
- Writing for the Web (Dave Demerjian)
- Roundtables
- Closing: Jeff Schiller (Jeff Schiller)
- Food:
- Registration and Information
- Vendor Display (4Imprint, Ambit Creative, Apple, Connection, DS Graphics, Dell, Global EWaste, Lenovo, MIT CopyTech, MIT Libraries, MIT Police, MIT's Women in IT ERG, Microsoft, Staples)
We’d also like to hear what you thought about the conference as a whole (how was the swag?), and more generally, what you’d like to see from IT Partners in the future. Please submit us overall conference feedback at: