- beagle (beagle.darwinproject.mit.edu): Obsolescent.
- coyote (coyote.mit.edu): We'll have 50 TB soon!
- nostoc (nostoc.mit.edu, almlab.mit.edu): Runs the lab website, AdaptML, and AnGST serversfront-ends
- pylori: AdaptML and AnGST backends
- vulgaris
- subtilis
- Scott (swo)
- sycamore (github.com/almlab/sycamore): Strips the Greengenes tree files to make Newick trees.
- Lawrence
- AdaptML
- Albert
- Tree.py
- LeafStripper
- Chris Smillie
- Jonathan (yonatanf)
- SparCC (bitbucket.com/yonatanf/sparcc): a tool for computing correlations in compositional data, such as 16S surveys.
- Note: While this standalone version of sparcc is easier to install/use, I'd recommend using the newer version available through PySurvey.
- PySurvey: a general-utility package designed for performing interactive analysis of (genomic) survey data.
- strainFinder: a python package for inferring the number and relative-abundances strains from allele frequencies observed in metagenomic data.
- SparCC (bitbucket.com/yonatanf/sparcc): a tool for computing correlations in compositional data, such as 16S surveys.