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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


Write Fast

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This is a design for a super small screen. I've used the example of Google Glasses, but this is applicable to any device with a small screen and microphone (for voice input.

1. The user begins the application by saying "OK Glass. Write now."


1. The front page displays the topic, countdown timer and a text box. When the user goes to the front page, there is automatically a 2. The app generates and displays a topic, and counts down "READY SET GO!" countdown. 

32. On GO!, the screen changes to show the topic, a countdown timer , and a small microphone animation. The animation indicates that the application is listening for user speech. The user talks and the text is automatically transcribed and printed. The user can also say "backspace" or "backword" to delete words, along with other efficiency commands.starts and the user can begin typing in the text box. The user can also change categories and the page will refresh with a new topic from that category (non-fiction, technical, poetry, etc.)

34. When the timer reaches zero, we stop transcribing accepting input from the user's text. The user can now review what he wrote. At this point, the user can say "share" to be brought to a screen where he can share his writing. He can also say "again" to start again with a new topic. He can also say "quit" to quit the application.We address the small screen problem by using voice commands for transcription. This is allows for much greater efficiency than attempting to type on a very small screenalso submit early by pressing "DONE."

4. After submission, other users can comment on the writing, both in-line, highlighting and commenting on specific words or sentences in the writing, or below the text like traditional comments.