Get Your Ride
Team South Dakota
- Ariel Anders
- Sunil Gupta
- Stephanie Su
- Dakota Heiserman
Problem Statement
Briefly state the problem(s) that your project will seek to solve. Take the user's point of view. Consider what the user's goals are, and what obstacles lie in the way. Do not talk about any solutions here.
Parents of school-aged children have to shuttle their children to school and activities. Carpooling would reduce the burden, but parents often face difficulty in creating carpooling arrangements due to not knowing who would be a suitable partner and social awkwardness. Even once a carpooling arrangement is made, parents have difficulty keeping track of when their turns are, the various destinations, and ensuring an equitable split of the driving. Parents desire a solution to ameliorate the amount of time spent driving their children to their activities that is easy and intuitive to use, allows for scheduling flexibility, and prioritizes the safety of their children.
GR 1 - Project Proposal and Analysis
GR 2 - Designs
GR 6 - User Testing \* \[Team South Dakota-GR1\|Team South Dakota\] Wiki Markup