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About this TAB

The topics presented in this TAB are primarily designed for a project team leader who need to setup and configure an new ES software project.


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How can I easily download the source jars for third-party jars?


  • From the command line, go to the directory containing the project pom file. Then issue this command:
    Code Block
    mvn dependency:sources

Q. I forgot my OC4J administrator password.  How can I manually reset the password?


Open $\{ORACLE_HOME}/j2ee/home/config/system-jazn-data.xml with a text editor. Find the <user> tag block for oc4jadmin. Change the oc4jadmin's <credentials> property to (substituting your password for myNewPassowd): <credentials>!myNewPassword</credentials> Be sure to preface the password with an ! to inidcate that this is a plain text value. When completed, the oc4jadmin <user> should look something like: {code} <user> <name>oc4jadmin</name> <display-name>OC4J Administrator</display-name> <guid>E33D5A508AA511DF8F573778FB23EDF8</guid> <description>OC4J Administrator</description> <credentials>!myNewPassword</credentials> </user> {code} Save the changes and restart the OC4J server.