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Table of Contents

Shakespeare Ensemble Lexicon

Beginning-of-Term Meeting (BOT)

Two One of two mandatory meetings of the ensemble membership. This one One at the beginning of term. Its major purpose is assignment of term and semester jobsone at the end.

Blank Verse

A bunch of iambic pentameter that does not rhyme.


The hours during which, starting production week, all Ensemble members help to sell tickets to the show. Four hours over two weeks.

Calling "Line"

What an actor calls when s/he is Off Book but can not remember a line. An actor should call "line" only if s/he is completely unsure of what to say next, and s/he should do so in character (without apologizing or breaking the energy of the scene). The stage manager running the rehearsal feeds the actor his/her line and the scene continues.

Campus Activities Complex (CAC)


Those long, hanging posters in Lobby 7. We have a space reserved for each major show.

End-of-Term Meeting (EOT)

One of two mandatory meetings of the membership, this one at the end of the term. Issues discussed include outstanding issues from this term, plans for next term, officer elections, and rush.

Faculty Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Theatre Arts faculty, attended by the Shakespeare Ensemble president.


The big room on the second floor of the student center where we perform our shows.


What an actor calls when s/he is Off Book but can not remember a line. An actor should call "line" only if s/he is completely unsure of what to say next, and s/he should do so in character (without apologizing or breaking the energy of the scene). The stage manager running the rehearsal feeds the actor his/her line and the scene continues.

Little Kresge

The theater in the basement of Kresge Auditorium, where we perform our summer show.


The state of being denied the use of one's script ("book") during a rehearsal.

Papertech / Dry Tech

A meeting during which the stage manager, lights designer, sound designer, and video or other applicable designers add cues to the script. Usually occurs on the Friday or Saturday before tech week begins.

Production Meeting

Weekly meeting of the producer, stage manager, director and designers of a production. The opportunity for everyone involved in the technical aspects of the show to coordinate with one another.


All ensemble members assist the set and costume designers in building the show. Default hours: Set Shop - 2 hrs/wk Costume Shop - 2 hrs/wk

Spring Break

The final performance of the spring show is always the Saturday night of MIT's spring break. Do not buy plane tickets that leave before the final performance!


The period between Put-In and the first performance.


Informal second person singular.


Formal second person singular or plural.