Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.


reviewed and discussed Web pages in RISG purview
Angie Locknar will follow through with the following updates, but not until October.

reference manual webpages - there are broken links and old acronyms on the html page (; Georgiana has made updates to the of the page ( but the top level links on the library pages still need to be updated. Maggie will follow up with Nicole about the status of the virtual reference page and its status with


  • Remove and leave link to expert subject librarians
  • Request marion to email the divisional librarians every 6 months with url of expert subject librarians to make sure is up to date
  • Request marion to remove names from research consultations appointment form; leave only library as option (hasn't been being maintained) *

Action item:


Create "Future agenda items" section of wiki - done by Lisa (9/5/07)

Future agenda items:

  • Sharing of information learned at conferences/ meetings - sometimes this occurs within individual units, does it make sense to have something arranged system wide and have RISG help sponsor?
  • Update instruction toolkit
  • RISG web based repository of instruction material