The committee contact person (CCP) is responsible for gathering additional information based on the follow up questions listed below.
1st Proposal: SIMILE Exhibit/ Timeline – CCP Nicole
- What is the value of redoing the timeline in SIMILE when it has all ready been done in Dipity?
- Are you seeking resources to engage someone to program for this project or to bring someone in to train and create in house expertise?
- What specific problem are you trying to solve, why have you chosen SIMILE?
2nd Proposal: Add E-book to new book RSS feeds - CCP Rich
- Is there someone in house that can determine if this project is feasible?
- What is the underlying problem you are trying to solve?
- Can Springer or other e-book vendors supply us with records that have call numbers?
- This project maybe a good candidate to receive funds for the purposes of analyzing this proposal.
3rd Proposal: Cataloging and processing of the industrial Relations Pamphlet Collection – CCP Barbara
- Who in cataloging is a good person to discuss this proposal with?
- Is there someone in house able to scope this proposal out in terms of cost?
- Are there other internal or external sources of funding available to fund this project?
- Why not digitize this collection?
4th Proposal: Local Document Delivery Service (from campus libraries) CCP – Barbara
- Could Hathi-trust be useful with this proposal?
- This proposal should be forwarded to Keith, then to SC with the recommendation that the submitters be asked to complete a full proposal.
5th Proposal: URMS (Universal Request Mgmt. System) CCP – Nicole
- Is there someone in house able to scope this proposal out in terms of cost and specifications?
- Are you requesting funding for someone to do this or to provide training
- Mobil interface?
6th Proposal: Maps in Barton CCP – Christian
- What type of research is Ben Abrahamse doing that might be related to this proposal?
- Are there libraries out there that have already done this and can be used as a model?
- What is the extent of this effort, in terms of what all is involved?
- What is the connection between the records in Barton and places to display those records?